Intermittent fasting has become a prominent weight-loss technique recently, with many people looking to shed a few pounds being drawn to this technique due to the relative flexibility that it offers, and how well it can blend with certain lifestyles.
While this is fairly accurate across the board, there are some guidelines that you should follow if you really want to get the best out of your intermittent fasting experience. While these are by no means hard and fast laws that you must follow, they can go a long way in validating your efforts and encourage you to keep at it until you see the desired results.
10 Guidelines to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting Journey
Here are 10 points that are arranged in a fairly functional order, and you’ll be able to follow them as written, too. These 10 important things you need to do when intermittent fasting are:
Educate yourself on Intermittent Fasting
The first and most important step in the intermittent fasting journey is educating yourself on intermittent fasting. Learning the ins and outs of the method, such as what the weight-loss principle behind it is and why it works, are important for instilling confidence in what you’re doing and doing it right.
Set a Fasting Window That Works for You
The next step is identifying your fasting window. There are a few things that should be taken into account for this, including things like your work schedule and who primarily does the cooking at home. You should choose a fasting window that won’t leave you unable to eat at the appropriate time, as consistency is key. While it’s true that the longer the fast, the more efficient it can be, there’s a lot of room for flexibility, and being consistent and not inhibiting your day can be just as important as total fast time.
Set Yourself Up to Be Consistent
Speaking of consistency, anyone who has tried to lose weight knows that it’s not a single-day victory. Intermittent fasting is no different and will require you to stick with it for a while before you can see results and really get in your groove. This can include informing loved ones and coworkers about your lifestyle choice, canceling or reworking groceries and cooking schedules, and so on.

Removing temptations, getting encouragement, and even using this as a window to try new things can all help with consistency.
Choose Your Meals Wisely
One of the reasons why intermittent fasting is so great is because you enjoy much more freedom here than in a traditional diet and can still eat many of your favorite things. However, the core principle of caloric deficit and healthy eating doesn’t go anywhere. You’ll still get much better results when you’re careful with your meal choices.
Eat As Much as Your Body Needs, Not Less
While you do need to be careful with what you eat, you also need to fuel your body properly, which is very important when you’re intermittently fasting. You should be eating enough to stay healthy and maintain a healthy relationship with food. This helps you avoid breaking your routine and falling into unhealthy habits.
Don’t Abstain from Water
Staying hydrated is an issue for a lot of people, and that can be aggravated when you start intermittent fasting. Some people struggle to remember to drink water when they haven’t eaten in a while, and this can quickly become a habit that sticks. Be mindful and make sure you’re drinking your water.
Ease Up on The Technicalities
While intermittent fasting is a lot about abstinence, there are some loopholes that people can (and should) explore. Things like black coffee, diet coke, zero-sugar chewing gum, and more can often be comforting and useful when starting your journey. However, while the answer to the question “can you drink diet coke while fasting?” is yes, that’s not a free license to go crazy with it. This and any other similar ‘cheats” should be used responsibly.
Try to Stay Active & Reduce General Stress
Once you’ve acclimated to the intermittent fasting cycle, getting active and doing some exercise can also be a massive push forward in terms of weight loss. It will also help manage stress, which can often be a hindrance to sticking to your schedule and eating healthy.

Light exercise can easily become just as much of a habit as the fasting itself, and it’ll give you a clear head, too.
Find An Intermittent Fasting Style That Works for You
Intermittent fasting isn’t a prison routine, and there’s lots of space for customization. While being rigid will lead to the best results, alternating days, taking occasional breaks for special events, and more can all be factored into your plans to get the best results for you.
Take Proper Care of Yourself
The final rule is to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Weight loss is great, but not to the detriment of other things. Intermittent fasting can work for anyone and everyone, but you should take the time to make sure you’re doing it right for yourself.
Intermittent fasting can be a great step forward in your weight loss journey, as well as a positive lifestyle choice that can keep you healthy and happy in the long run. With these rules in mind, you’ll be able to get all the benefits of intermittent fasting while also keeping it manageable, sustainable, and fun.
Ben Austin is the founder and CEO of multi-award-winning digital marketing agency Absolute Digital Media. Ben loves to write and share exclusive insights into the world of digital marketing from his own eyes.