Losing weight is hard! And it becomes difficult to shave that fat around your waist and belly area in particular. But it’s different — this fat is called visceral fat, and it lurks deep around the organs in the tummy. In excess of this it causes instances of heart disease or diabetes and so cannot be regarded as a beauty requirement of having flat tummies. However, there are products that help to lose visceral fat faster, and many types of tea are beneficial in this regard. Let’s find out how they work.
What people need to know is that there is no specific drink that is created to melt fat. However, there are foods that contain some compounds, vitamins and nutrients which can stimulate the fat burning process in the abdominal area provided one takes the right kind of diet and exercises. Below are some of the teas and drink recipes that science evidence and experience indicate can help you shed visceral fat.
Green Tea
Green tea is probably one of the best teas when it comes to burning the belly and losing weight. A cross-sectional survey that appeared in the International Journal of Environmental Research in 2022 showed that people who consumed more than four cups of green tea daily covered nearly half the risk of developing abdominal obesity.
Another similar study conducted in 2008 found that after a 12-week program, patients with poor condition who already had too much belly fat, decreased their weight if they took green tea supplements.
But there is a question, what makes green tea has such strong fat burning capabilities? The answer is known – even though its influence can be attributed to a number of polyphenols known as catechins. The most prevalent catechin in green tea is known as ECGC, and this increases metabolism. EGCG is present in other types of tea. However this substance is most accessible in green tea and is present in this type of tea in its densest concentration.
Fermented Chinese black tea referred to as pu-erh tea has been found to aid weight loss or fat loss in several research works. Pu-erh is advertised as the ‘best fat burning tea’. In fact, it’s not about fat burning as we discussed, and teas do not burn anything. However, pu-erh works not only because of its antioxidants present in it which helps in increasing the metabolism rate. It contains pectin and tea polysaccharides that are popular fibers that are as close to cellulose as it gets. That is why it does not only melt fat cells but also reduces one’s appetite.
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As for the weight-reducing effect, there are a lot of papers identifying that pu-erh’s biggest impact comes into play for males with metabolic syndrome. Also, Japanese scientists have concluded that this tea has an effect of reducing visceral fat in adults.
Turquoise Tea (Oolong)
Another tea that has been proved to help with belly fat and could also be used to purify the body is oolong or turquoise tea.
It is produced from the fresh leaves of the tea plant as a bush, green and black tea. But it is only partially fermented while green tea is unfixed and black is fully fixed. Oolong is prepared by sun-drying the leaves unto they wilt and shrivel.
And science proves that oolong tea also contains polyphenols which have the effect of increasing metabolic rate and fat oxidation. Polyphenol in green, black and oolong teas are beneficial to reducing fat around the abdomen. Oolong tea helped enhance the effectiveness of fat metabolism by 20%. This improvement occurred even if the patient is still asleep.
Black Tea
Tea lovers and Earl Grey drinkers, there’s good news for you too: Research has linked black tea to weight loss and reduced visceral fat.
A 2016 report published in the scientific journal Molecules found that polyphenols in black tea have anti-obesity superpowers and may help reduce body weight and visceral fat.
Participants in a 2014 study published in the journal Functional Nutrition who drank three cups of black tea every day for three months experienced greater weight loss and a reduction in waist circumference (aka belly fat) than those who didn’t drink tea. Important: they drank the tea without sugar and didn’t eat candy!
White Tea
The colors of tea (green, turquoise, black) are indicators of the degree of fermentation of the leaf. White tea is known as the most delicate and least processed type of tea. It has a delicate taste and aroma that is so loved by connoisseurs of the drink. In addition, as researchers found out in 2023, who published the results of their research in the American journal “Food Safety and Health”, white tea accelerates metabolism and significantly stimulates the process of oxidation of fatty acids. This means that fat entering the body with food becomes more accessible and is used more efficiently: both the heart muscle, skeletal muscles and parenchyma organs receive energy from it. This helps to normalize metabolism, “melt” visceral fat and lose weight.
Spanish Laurel Tea
Burning fat with tea is a popular idea on the Internet, and very often toxic herbal mixtures are offered as such “miraculous” mixtures. We strongly advise you not to use them!
It is interesting that in other countries people are also looking for fat-burning teas. For example, in Spain they use this recipe (we provide it for information, not as a guide to action): brew five bay leaves, ten sage leaves and a cinnamon stick in a liter of boiling water. Spanish beauties are sure that this is the best remedy for belly fat.
Jessica has a flair for writing engaging blogs and articles. She enjoys reading and learning new things which enables her to write different topics and fields with ease. She also strives to break down complex concepts and make them easy for anybody to comprehend.