What Entrepreneurial Lessons Can I Learn From Santa Claus
This Christmas, I’ve picked up a few entrepreneurial lessons to learn from none other than Santa Claus.
Confused? Read on to find out what interesting lessons I learned from Santa Claus.
2020 is coming to an end and there’s quite a lot of things we have learned this year. But, did you know that there are valuable lessons to learn from Santa Claus?
Let me be specific, I meant entrepreneurial lessons? No? Well, think again!
Every entrepreneur has a role model, someone they aim to emulate in life and while it is common to hear the names of the big guns, very few picture Santa as an entrepreneur! Neither did I, until the idea was put in my head by my little one.
In a conversation where I was talking about entrepreneurs, my son suddenly exclaimed “Oh, you mean like Santa?”. He had connected Santa with my basic description of entrepreneurs. A terrific client base, the marketing of a service/product and making others (and self) happy.
As I reflected on his words, I realized there was a sense of truth in his statement. In fact, there were a lot of entrepreneurial lessons one could take from Santa Claus.
10 lessons to be exact. Wondering what they are? Well, here goes!
10 Entrepreneurial Lessons To Learn From Santa Claus
1. Make A Career Out Of Your Passion
Santa made a career out of his passion – crafting toys. It’s been over 100 years and he’s still happily at work.
How many of us are happy with our career choice?
Societal and financial pressures often lead us to pick a career that does not reflect our interests. The end result? We burn out and find work tedious.
On the other hand, people who make a career out of their passion are happier and content with their work. To them, work is more like play and the money is secondary.
When choosing your entrepreneurial direction, the lesson to learn from Santa Claus is to follow your passion.

2. High Quality Is A Known Entrepreneurial Lesson
Santa doesn’t deliver low-quality products! Have you ever had to return a product to Santa or ask for a refund?
This is something every entrepreneur must strive to deliver – high-quality products and services. We need to ensure that we set high standards for ourselves.
To this extent, just like Santa, check your lists twice. It could be your to-do lists, quality standard checks, payments and inventory. Even your written forms of communication to clients and staff.
As the head of your organization, there is no room for error. Take this lesson learned from Santa Claus and be at the top of your game.
Recheck each and every action to avoid mistakes and safeguard the reputation of your company.
3. Entrepreneurial Lessons Of Customer Base And Satisfaction
Santa has the largest client numbers ever!! His customer base has no barriers be it age, gender or race. Everyone wants Santa’s products!
Now, which entrepreneur would say no to such a large client list?
Santa teaches us to be versatile in the products or services we market to our clients. Our venture must have the potential to cater to the needs of a large client base.
Think out-of-the-box to explore and identify a niche that is appealing to a wide population.

Santa also guarantees customer satisfaction. That’s because he gives you what you have asked for on your list.
This is a golden lesson to learn from Santa Claus in all our enterprises. Customers are always king and you must listen to them!
Make note of their needs, suggestions and of course, any feedback. Then, modify your service accordingly.
If you’re able to deliver services as requested by your clients, you will have client satisfaction just like Mr. Claus. This is also the best way to gain a loyal clientele.
In fact, this feedback can spark your creativity and help find a new direction or dimension to your venture.
4. Deadlines Are Vital Lessons To Learn From Santa Claus
Every year, on the 24th of December, you receive your presents! Santa always meets his deadlines. What about you?
Procrastination can be a major cause for business failings. When we keep things for tomorrow, one of the following happens.
We might:
- Forget about it and not complete it on time.
- Rush the process, trying to finish it within the said time.
In either case, it affects the quality of our work.
Entrepreneurial lessons show you must adhere to the deadlines given/set. In doing so you are seen as a person of your word and that you respect peoples’ valuable time.
When you don’t deliver a service at the specified time, you are failing to keep your word. Remember, not delivering on time affects the trust you are building with your clientele.
Imagine the backlash if Santa didn’t deliver!! Use this vital lesson learned from Santa Claus and do what your service promises!!
5. The Naughty Or Nice Lesson To Learn From Santa Claus
Santa separates the naughty and nice list and focuses on the nice children. Why is this important?
Santa is rewarding children for their good behavior all-year-long. He knows it’s better to direct your attention, resources and efforts to your best clients.
So, reward them, build your relationship and use our entrepreneurial lessons to develop a loyal clientele. This is more productive and will be beneficial for the company in the long run.
When the ‘naughty children’ realize the fun they are missing out on, they too will want to get on your nice list.

6. Overcome Challenges And Learn Lessons From Santa Claus
We might not have heard reports of Santa facing challenges like labor issues or a recession. What about having to follow Covid safety guidelines?
That doesn’t mean he hasn’t faced any stress. Think about those deadlines we talked about and know that Santa has a good grip on any challenges.
As entrepreneurs, we too must be ready to overcome challenges. Stress is synonymous with leadership and most entrepreneurial lessons deal with this.
We’re in charge of, and accountable to, many others. So, never give up!
Set up various personal safety measures to counter your stressors. Share your problems with another or delegate tasks to reduce the load on your plate.
More importantly, move forward with a positive attitude checking off one problem at a time.
7. Entrepreneurial Lessons Around Your Best Team
Why does Santa only have elves as his helpers? Why not trolls, fairies or even gnomes?
It is because elves are more hardworking, honest and sincere than the others!
Santa knew he needed the best for his team, and he got it. So should you!
You need an efficient team that can brainstorm, collaborate and work together. Only then can you increase your productivity and ensure that your standards are met. A cohesive team is the heart of any successful company.

So, another of the lessons to learn from Santa Claus is to “pick your team carefully”.
Choose individuals that are dynamic, motivated, skilled and with excellent work behaviors.
8. The Hands-On Entrepreneurial Lessons
Santa delivers ALL the presents personally. Why? He could have easily sent one of his elves out to get the job done.
When you’re in charge of an organization, you do delegate a lot of the work to others. However, there are certain tasks that can only be performed by you.
Like Santa, you are the only person with the power/magic to drive the sleigh/company.
Have a clear vision and understanding of the tasks that can be assigned to others. As with all entrepreneurial lessons, don’t hesitate to jump in and get those hands dirty.
9. Even Santa Claus Takes A Break
Observe that Santa only gives out presents for Christmas. He doesn’t do it year-round.
That’s because Santa takes a break to restore and rejuvenate himself.
How often do you take a regular break from work? As lessons to learn from Santa Claus go, this is often missed.
We all need time off to recharge and restore both our mind and body. When we’re overworked we tend to make mistakes and overlook details.
If we are not at the best of our capabilities our work productivity and quality falls.
Early entrepreneurial lessons show that a break is much needed.
When you take time off, you will return refreshed and ready to roll. This may even inspire you or help discover new solutions to problems that were hindering you from reaching your heights.
10. Entrepreneurial Lessons To Give Back To The Community
Money does not drive Santa. It’s the joy he brings that motivates him to continue with his work.
Yes, money is important. But, the joy of giving back to the community is immeasurable.
Engaging in philanthropic activities can help build the morale of your team. It is a great way to connect with your community and attract potential customers.
Lessons to learn from Santa Claus are to engage in the community we live in. It is our responsibility to serve them to the best of our abilities.

To Sum Up
What do you think of these entrepreneurial lessons? We believe they are essential for all organizations?
Listed above are just a few lessons that anyone can learn from Santa Claus. Any entrepreneur would do well to follow in Santa’s footsteps. After all, his client base is most likely the biggest in the world.
Next time anyone asks you about your role model, tell them about the entrepreneurial side of Santa.
Learn more entrepreneurial lessons from the success of Ms. Nidhi Arora.
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.