Keeping your family safe, both at home and on the road, is critical. Not only does putting essential safety precautions and plans in place help you to know what to do when an emergency or dangerous situation arises, but it can also help give everyone peace of mind. Discover a few simple things you can do at home while traveling, and on your everyday commutes and errands, to help your family be safe and secure no matter what situations might arise. 

Have Stocked First-Aid Kids at Home and in the Car

You never know when an accident or injury might occur, so having fully stocked first aid kits both at home and in your vehicles can be extremely important. Although you can buy these pre-packaged, you may want to create your own so you can customize the kits specifically for your family. Items to include: wound cleaner, bandages and wound dresses or sterile gauze of various sizes, antibiotic ointment, tweezers, wrap or Ace bandage, emergency blood clotting agent, Benadryl or other allergy medicine (both oral and topical), pain reliever, thermometer, antacid or anti-nausea medicines, an emergency blanket, cold compress, and any specific medicines or allergy needs for the members of your family. This is an especially important home safety element for families with young children

Keep Water on Hand at Home and on the Go

Dehydration can be a serious issue. Hydration is another essential for everyone in the family, and since you never know what situations can come up, having extra and emergency water supplies on hand can go a long way. At home, consider having gallons of fresh, clean drinking water on hand in case of issues with the public water supply. While boiling water can also be done in case of emergency, having it on hand will also be beneficial in case the power goes out as well. Always include extra water when on the road or traveling. If you’re going to be camping or hiking, make sure to carry hydration packs, extra water, and/or chlorine tablets to turn river or lake water into a potable water source. 

Be Prepared for Sudden or Extreme Weather Changes

No matter what area you live in, there is always the chance of extreme weather or having to deal with storms and other issues. In addition to having extra water on hand at home and in your vehicles, having emergency food supplies in vehicles and at home is another good option. Also consider stocking essentials like toilet paper, body or baby wipes, extra sets of clothing, and over-the-counter or prescription medications. Keep items like sunscreen and umbrellas at home and in vehicles to be prepared, plus look at weather forecasts in advance to be safe at home and on the go. Know evacuation proceedings for your area as well as for major emergency events. 

Keep Up With Key Home and Vehicle Maintenance to Keep Your Family Safe

Although it can be challenging to stay on top of the seemingly endless list of home and vehicle maintenance items that pop up, staying on top of them as best you can help keep everyone as safe as possible. Things like staying on top of oil changes and tire replacement can go a long way in keeping your vehicle safe, and doing things like replacing the smoke detector battering and having HVAC equipment inspected regularly or seasonally can help prevent potential issues. Home cameras and even a car dash cam can also help your family stay safe. 

Have Safety Plans in Place for Emergency Situations

Create plans for emergency situations, such as a fire in the home or if the vehicle breaks down, and make sure every member of the family is aware of the plan. Also, consider pets in the emergency plan and what provisions they may need in case of emergency or having a breakdown while on the road. By creating a safety plan in advance, you’ll eliminate some of the stress and feel more confident in case an unforeseen situation does come up. 

Keep Extra Batters and Chargers on Hand for Cell Phones

Today, cell phones are literally lifelines and can be key in an emergency, either at home or on the road. Make sure to keep devices charged as much as possible in case charging isn’t possible or there are power outages. Have extra chargers at home and in vehicles if one breaks. Consider portable battery packs as well so you’ll have emergency charging at your fingertips (don’t forget to keep these charged as well). 

Plan Ahead and Be Prepared for Potential Incidents on the Road 

No matter how careful of a driver you are, you can’t control what other people do on the road. Add in sometimes hazardous road conditions, and unfortunately, sometimes accidents occur. Be prepared with emergency kits in your vehicle, having a charged cell phone, and having your insurance and other important paperwork easily available if an accident occurs. While we never want to think about an accident happening, it can also be beneficial to be aware of law firms in your local area. You may look for truck accident lawyers in Chicago if that’s near your home, or look for car accident lawyers in Orlando if that’s where your next family vacation is planned. Having this information on hand can help prepare you in advance and give you peace of mind.