Every house has a bunch of go-to medicines. Be it painkillers or vitamin supplements, we keep at least ten medicines with us at all times. However, we never store or organize them the right way. 

This blame doesn’t fall on the doctor’s shoulders. Healthcare professionals are trained to assist clients with medication. They always tell you how to administer medicines, deal with side effects, and even ways to store them at home. They learn all of this from the OHS course and guide us accordingly. So, it’s really our fault when medicines aren’t still kept the right way at our home. But worry not—in this post, we will quickly guide you through storing and organizing your medicines for the best results. Read on!

Choose the Right Storage Location

First of all, you need to select the right place to keep your medicines. This has to be a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, moisture, and heat to prevent degradation. So, avoid locations like bathrooms or kitchens where temperature and humidity fluctuate. 

Instead, opt for a bedroom closet or a dedicated cabinet in your room. If you do want to keep them in the kitchen, pick a cabinet or drawer away from the oven and heat. Also, make sure that the storage area is out of reach and sight of children and pets, ideally locked.

Organize by Category

Organizing medicines by category makes them easy to find and use. Group similar medicines together, like pain relievers, cold medicines, and vitamins. Use clear containers or bins and label them clearly so you know what’s inside. 

A pillbox can help keep daily medications organized and ensure you take the right dose at the right time. By sorting medicines into categories, you can quickly find what you need and keep everything tidy. This helps everyone in your family know where to find and store medicines safely.

Check Expiration Dates Regularly

Checking expiration dates on medicines regularly is important for safety. Medicines that are expired may not work well or could be harmful. Every few months, look through your medicine supplies and find the expiration dates on each bottle or box. 


If a medicine is expired, throw it away safely according to local rules – many pharmacies can help with this. Keeping only up-to-date medicines ensures they will work when you need them and helps prevent the accidental use of old, ineffective products.

Store in Original Containers

This may sound like a no-brainer, but always store medicines in their original containers. The original packaging includes crucial information like dosage instructions, expiration dates, and warnings.

If you move medicines to another container, label it with the medicine’s name, dosage, and expiration date. Original containers help you avoid mix-ups and ensure you always have the correct information. Keeping medicines in their proper containers also prevents accidental misuse and makes it easier to follow the instructions given by your doctor or pharmacist.

Create an Inventory List

Creating an inventory list of your medicines helps you stay organized and safe. Write down the name, dosage, expiration date, and purpose of each medicine you have. You can keep this list on paper or use a digital note on your phone or computer.

Update the list whenever you add new medicines or get rid of old ones. This way, you always know what medicines you have and when they expire. Share the list with family members or caregivers so everyone knows what medicines are being used. Having an updated inventory helps prevent taking expired or wrong medicines and ensures you’re always prepared.