
From bumps to vomiting, the only thing that you can really expect when you welcome a new life into the world is the unexpected. When you become a parent, you will be faced with a multitude of emotions that range from absolute love to absolute despair, often in the space of a few minutes. You will also need to learn to be prepared and be resourceful. Here’s what you need to bring with you when you venture out with your little one.

First Aid Booklet

Wouldn’t life be easier if our babies came with a manual? Sadly there is no approach that fits everyone and each of our children is beautiful and unique. But when it comes to first aid, it is useful to have something that can offer you advice when you need it. It is surprising how quickly even the most common knowledge advice goes out of the window in an emergency. Pack a first aid manual in your first aid kit in case you need to jog your memory on how to treat burns or a wasp sting, or how to identify a rash that you need to worry about.

Wet Wipes

It goes without saying that the moment you have a baby you will become a wet wipe dispensary! If you are not a fan of the disposable kind, keep a little stash of clean reusable wet wipes in your first aid kit in case you need them. Cotton wool pads can be helpful too for cleaning up cuts and grazes or applying pressure.


Antiseptic is the parent’s best friend! A little spray or wipe can give you peace of mind and keep wounds clean to promote healing and prevent infection. Antiseptic isn’t a cure all though, so if your child does have a cut or graze, keep an eye on it and seek medical advice if you notice any swelling, redness or heat.


Many an owey has been solved by a novelty plaster, regardless of whether or not it covers an actual graze. Plasters are great for minor cuts, grazes, bites and blisters and they can act as a great distraction too. Choose brightly coloured ones for added novelty value.

Sterile Dressings

If a child has a more serious cut or graze, a sterile dressing can be used to cover it temporarily while you seek medical attention. Or it might be that they have sustained a graze that is just too big for a plaster. A sterile dressing secured with some medical tape is just what you need to keep it covered until it has healed.

Adhesive tape

As above, adhesive tape is useful for securing dressings; it can also help to keep plasters in place if they are in awkward places, for example, on knuckles.


From gravel to splinters, tweezers are an essential first aid kit.


They also come in handy for mums when those rogue chin hairs start growing!

Eye bath

If your child’s tears aren’t sufficient to wash away dust, sun cream, or whatever else is in their eye, an eye bath may come in handy.


Ice packs aren’t just handy for bumps, they can help an overheating child, too. Place an ice pack at the back of the neck or on the wrists, where the veins are closest to the skin, to help them to cool down more quickly.


It may be worth taking their temperature if you are struggling to cool them down or your child seems sluggish.

Nappy rash cream

If your baby has a sore bottom, nappy rash cream is an essential. Don’t automatically opt for the greasy layers; shop around for different natural creams that are designed to be kind to baby’s skin.

Nipple cream

If breastfeeding, remember to pack your nipple cream; you never know when you might need it!


If your child has allergies, make sure that you have their allergy medicine with you all the time. If they don’t have allergies, keep some over-the-counter antihistamines in your first aid kit just in case they are exposed to something new or someone else needs them.

Antihistamine cream

Antihistamine cream is great for skin flare-ups and provides instant relief from stings and bites, making it a must-carry for parents of adventurous toddlers and children.

Baby And Child Pain Medication

Liquid paracetamol comes in handy sachets to pop a couple in your first aid kit. If you are still determining what is OK for use for your child at their age, check with your doctor, health visitor, or pharmacist.

Your Self-Care Kit

You can’t take care of your family if you don’t care for yourself.


Whether you want to boost your post-pregnancy weight loss, regain your pre-pregnancy lustrous locks or support your health in preparation for trying for your next addition to the family, online pharmacies such as Oxford online pharmacy make it easier and more convenient than ever to get the prescription and non-prescription medication that you need.

If you are concerned about your child, call 111 or, in an emergency, 999. Try to stay calm, ask for help from people around you and remember that you are not alone!