By the age of 30, our skin begins to need special care, as it visibly fades, becomes dry and flabby. Obviously, age-related changes are inevitable. However, today you can use the unique Vita Long complex. This is the best face oil for aging skin, which will be a salvation for the face, neck, and decollete area. Daily use of these cosmetics will help to regain the former beauty and health of your skin.
How Do Oil-Based Care Cosmetics Work?
The use of anti-aging face oil has been popular for quite a long time. A few centuries ago, girls and women used plant oils to improve their complexion, smooth and nourish the skin. The healing power of Wakame algae is undeniable, evening primrose has long been supplied with a set of complex nutrients. These and other organic components are present in the composition of Vita Long and are ready to give you youth and healthy skin.
The principle of operation of cosmetics based on vegetable oils can be conditionally represented in the form of a list. So, what does the use of cosmetics with organic oils give to human skin:
● A nourishing and moisturizing effect.
● Elasticity and smoothness.
● Good complexion.
● Rejuvenation.
● The disappearance of fine facial wrinkles.
● Oxygen saturation without greasy film.
● Detoxification.
This is a generalized list; in reality, the therapeutic and cosmetic effects can be described endlessly.
In addition to organics, Vita Long anti aging face oil contains other components that create a full-fledged wrinkle smoothing effect. It is the result of a complex of processes in the skin tissues, which are caused by the action of a properly selected complex.
You can count on stimulating the production of natural collagen, protecting cell membranes, regenerating skin cells, and enhancing natural DNA synthesis. Different oils can have a greater or lesser effect on age-related skin changes. Attempts to find the most effective oil for deep wrinkles often lead to the choice of various cosmetic care products. The ideal products in this topic should match the skin characteristics of a particular person. Even if you use the best face oil for aging skin, it is worth remembering the rules of care for the type of your skin.
It is recommended not to forget about the regularity of procedures, the complexity of the creams and other cosmetics used for dry and mature skin. Any product can become addictive, and as a result, the benefits of its use will disappear over time. Therefore, facial oil for dry skin should be used in courses, after a break their effectiveness is usually restored.
The Use Of Anti-Aging Face Oil: Experts Recommend
First, even the seemingly perfect face oil for aging skin to smooth deep wrinkles may not be the same for everyone. Different skin types require different approaches and the use of suitable cosmetics.

Secondly, in most cases, products that include several ingredients are more effective. It is important to choose the right combination of them — for example, you can use Vita Long daily, and soon you will forget about skin problems.
Can Pure Oils Do Any Harm?
It is worth noting that it is not recommended to use oils in their pure form. Are you surprised? Now let’s explain why you should trust balanced complex cosmetics, in which the organic components are selected correctly, taking into account the needs of fading and dry skin.
Explanation 1. Long-term use of most fatty oils in skin care leads to the gluing of dead cells that are on the surface of our skin. This mistake can lead to the formation of unsightly comedones, pimples, and blackheads. The appearance of the skin, its color will become worse than before the application of pure oil.
Explanation 2. The continuous use of natural oils leads to the formation of a film on the dermis, which creates the effect of a greenhouse and prevents the release of waste products. Accordingly, cell respiration is disrupted, and oxygen access and water metabolism are slowed down.
Explanation 3. You cannot replace full-fledged skin care with pure oils, and the type of skin does not affect the absence of the expected effect. Why? It’s simple — there is no water in the oil. To summarize, all skin cosmetics, which are necessary for nutrition and hydration, contain oils, water, and emulsifiers. The combination of these three components, as well as various useful additives, makes it possible to obtain homogeneous soft creams and emulsions. They are perfectly absorbed by the skin, saturating it with precious moisture, vitamins, acids, and minerals.
How To Properly Care For Dry And Mature Skin?
There are many ways to slow down the aging process and help the skin look young and well-groomed. It is not necessary to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures if you can try careful and targeted care. For example, you can use Vita Long products at home without visiting a cosmetologist. In addition to giving up bad habits, correcting nutrition, and increasing physical activity, cosmetologists recommend:
● Regularly use anti-aging cosmetics to moisturize the skin in the morning and at night.
● Consume enough water to maintain the activity of internal organs and systems.
● Buy high-quality anti-aging cosmetics like Vita Long since such products contain an increased amount of vitamins, collagen, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and other useful substances.
● Wash with high-quality, clean water.
● Avoid exposure to harmful sunlight; use a special protective cream.
● Use only premium products with an SPF filter for makeup.
Sometimes, you can visit a cosmetology center or a beauty salon for professional, gentle cleaning.

In addition to the described recommendations, you should choose the right skin care product. For example, cosmetologists often advise using Vita Long, a product that includes 10 organic oils and additional components that will fully restore fading and dry skin in the complex.
Anti-Aging Care For Different Areas
With the help of high-quality anti-aging cosmetics, such as Vita Long, you can look very impressive and seem much younger than your real age. We recommend that you create a program of care procedures separately for each area of the face and apply it regularly.
The skin around the eyes is quite delicate and thin, the fat layer is almost completely absent, and the amount of collagen is minimal. The early signs of aging are provoked by improper care, including the use of various creams or pure oils, which often contain aggressive ingredients. The use of oily products has a negative effect, as well as excessive rubbing of the sensitive area. Keep in mind that all movements should be light and careful.
Nasolabial folds become deeper with age due to increased moisture loss. To slightly suspend and subsequently slow down this process for a long time, you need to do a light massage and daily nutrition with anti-aging cosmetics. With severe wrinkles, you will need the help of a specialist, but regular use of high-quality cosmetics can prevent the development of these wrinkles. Cheeks lose elasticity and sag over the years. It recommends daily massages to the temporal zones and the use of special Vita Long products with a toning effect.
The decollete area and neck are no less in need of hydration than the areas listed above. If you only take care of your face, then a flabby neck will quickly show your real age. To protect such a delicate area from premature aging, you need to avoid the sun and solarium, sleep on a low pillow, use a contrast shower, and do not dry off after water treatments. Be sure to use peeling and appropriate care products — cream, lotion, serum, and other products.
Summing Up The Results
Properly selected cosmetics based on anti-aging oil will preserve the visual appeal and health of the skin. Use Vita Long’s comprehensive products and stay young for as long as possible!

An Occupational therapist, freelance content writer and more importantly a stay-at-home mom, Sara, like all other parents juggles her many roles. Her passion for writing combined with her professional expertise as an Occupational therapist (working with children with special needs) has helped her craft content specific to child health, wellness and learning skills. At present, Sara alternates her time between raising her two young children, and writing about what she knows best- children!