Meeting a stranger is always stressful, even if you’ve been chatting online for a while. When talking to someone on a dating site, you can use some online dating questions to ask before meeting to learn more about them. Therefore, your first date won’t be as awkward or empty, and you’ll always have some topics to discuss.
But how to generate good questions to ask your date before meeting in online dating? You don’t want to be cheesy or intrusive, and you want to show the best version of yourself. Here are a few ideas on what to discuss to know each other better.
What’s A Small Thing That Instantly Makes Your Day Better?
Sometimes, the little things bring the most joy. Their answer might be something simple, like the smell of fresh coffee, a funny meme, or hearing their favorite song on the radio. Knowing this can give you a glimpse into what brings them happiness, and it might even help you come up with a thoughtful gesture when you meet in person.
What’s A Weird Or Unique Habit You Have?
Everyone has quirks, and this question makes it easier for them to open up in a lighthearted way. Maybe they always have to arrange their food in a certain order before eating, or they sing in the shower with full-on concert energy. Learning about their unique habits makes the conversation more fun and helps you appreciate their individuality.
If You Had To Eat Only One Type Of Food For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?
Food is a big part of daily life, and this question can reveal their taste preferences and cultural influences.

Whether they love spicy Mexican dishes, comforting Italian pasta, or fresh sushi, their answer can spark a discussion about favorite restaurants, cooking skills, and potential future dinner dates.
What’s A Childhood Fear That Still Sticks With You A Little?
Fears from childhood often leave a lasting impact, whether it’s a fear of the dark, clowns, or deep water. This question allows them to share a personal side of themselves, and their answer might even lead to funny stories. It can also create a sense of trust, as talking about fears requires a bit of vulnerability.
If You Won A Free Plane Ticket To Anywhere Right Now, Where Would You Go?
Travel dreams can say a lot about a person’s personality and values. Someone who picks a tropical island might love relaxation, while someone who chooses a city like Tokyo or Paris might crave adventure and culture. This question can also help you see if your travel styles match, which is great for potential future trips together.
What’s Something You’d Like To Try But Haven’t Had The Chance Yet?
This reveals their goals, passions, and things they’re excited about. Maybe they’ve always wanted to learn a new language, go skydiving, or start a creative project.

Their answer can show if they’re adventurous, ambitious, or curious, and it may even give you ideas for unique date experiences.
What’s A Song That Always Puts You In A Good Mood?
Music is deeply personal, and this question gives insight into what kind of vibe they enjoy. A happy pop song might mean they love positive energy, while a nostalgic old-school track could show they appreciate sentimental moments. Plus, discussing favorite music can lead to playlist sharing and even a future concert date.
If You Could Switch Lives With Any Person For A Day, Who Would It Be?
This question taps into their interests and desires. If they choose a famous musician, they might dream of performing on stage. If they pick an astronaut, they may have a love for space and science. Their answer can reveal hidden aspirations and allow for an interesting, deep conversation about what they find fascinating in life.

Jessica has a flair for writing engaging blogs and articles. She enjoys reading and learning new things which enables her to write different topics and fields with ease. She also strives to break down complex concepts and make them easy for anybody to comprehend.