For many families at this time of year the cost of school supplies can be very stressful. Especially for families with multiple children all needing outfits and various other necessities for school.
Kids tend to “shoot up” over the summer break so often there is the expense of new uniforms and shoes. Of course, that means proper school shoes and also sneakers for gym and sports.
Add to that a backpack, lunchbox, hat, books and pencils and the costs really can mount quickly. However, we have put together a list of a few ways you can reduce the cost of school supplies. Heaven knows, you may even help the planet by reducing your garbage.

5 Smart Ways to Save on Back to School Supplies
Buy Used
Just because your child has out-grown their uniform doesn’t mean they need a brand new one from the store. Most schools have a clothing pool where you can donate outfits that are still fine but just don’t fit. If you have multiple children then there is absolutely nothing wrong with handing down perfectly good clothing.
Second-hand text books are another easy way to save on school supplies. Unless the curriculum changes dramatically for that year buying used text books is a great way to save money.
Buy School Supplies On Sale
Often the best time to buy school items is at the end of the school year and during the summer holidays. Shop keepers know that there will be new stock coming in for the start of the school year. They also know that there will be little demand for these products over summer.
Buck the trend and stock up on items you know your kids will need while they are on sale. You really can save a lot of money. Best of all you will have your school supplies ready while everybody else is rushing before school starts.
Check The Dollar Store

There are some fantastic bargains to be had in these stores. Basic school supplies such as notebooks, pens and pencils as well as tissues and sanitizer can be found very cheaply. Binders, pencil cases other stationery supplies are usually stocked all year round.
Make sure you don’t leave your shopping to the last minute as they can often run out. We all know how crazy the back to school rush is.
Re-Use School Supplies
If there is nothing wrong with an item then it doesn’t need to be replaced! Just because a pencil case or backpack lasted a school year doesn’t mean it can’t do it again.
I know, kids want new stuff to start the school year. We were all the same. However, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. If any item can be used for another year then it absolutely should. You will save a heap of money and reduce the amount you are sending to landfill.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
Focus on saving money on the more expensive back to school supplies. You could easily get caught up on saving a couple of dollars on glue sticks and lunch boxes.
If your child requires a new laptop or other specialised equipment, focus your energy there. Get online and compare prices from a variety of stores, both retail and online. Give yourself plenty of time to do your research as the item may require some time to arrive.
By shopping around and doing good research you could easily save a few hundred dollars.
Back to school doesn’t have to break the budget of any family. Use our helpful tips to save a ton of money on school supplies and save yourself some headaches.
Read more back to school tips.
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.