Going through a divorce can be an emotionally difficult time. However, being prepared and understanding the process can help make it go more smoothly. Here are some tips on how to get ready for a divorce in Texas:

Consult with a Divorce Attorney

The first step is to meet with a divorce lawyer in Texas. An experienced attorney will provide guidance on the laws and procedural requirements. They can advise you on issues like:

  • How assets and debts will be divided
  • Spousal and child support
  • Custody arrangements
  • The grounds for divorce in Texas

Having legal advice early on will empower you to make informed decisions.

Gather Important Documents

Your divorce lawyer will need documentation to determine how assets should be allocated. Be prepared to provide:

  • Tax returns from the last 3 years
  • Bank and investment account statements
  • Information on property owned
  • Mortgage statements
  • Credit card statements
  • Retirement account details

Making copies of these documents early on will keep the process moving smoothly. If you are looking for a divorce lawyer in Fort Bend, we highly recommend Bastine Divorce Lawyers.

Create a Budget

With Texas being a community property state, assets acquired during the marriage are typically divided equally. However, divorce will still bring financial changes:

  • Your household income may be lower if you were dual-income
  • The cost of maintaining two separate households will usually be higher
  • Additional expenses like legal fees must be accounted for

Drafting a new budget will allow you to plan for these realities. Identify what you can realistically afford going forward.

Discuss Custody Arrangements

If you have children, custody should be decided on based on their best interests. Texas family courts determine custody on factors like:

  • The relationship between each parent and child
  • Each parent’s ability to provide a stable environment
  • Any history of family violence or substance abuse

Be reasonable and focused on your children’s well-being when proposing arrangements.

Take Care of Yourself

Divorce takes an emotional toll. Be kind to yourself during this transitional period. Self-care strategies like:

  • Leaning on trusted friends and family for support
  • Continuing to engage in hobbies you enjoy
  • Eating healthy and staying active
  • Joining a local support group

Can all help avoid burnout. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.


Divorce can be challenging. However, being prepared with legal advice and documentation will help it go smoothly. Most importantly, take steps to care for your mental and physical health. With patience and resilience, you can get through this difficult period.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the residency requirements for filing for divorce in Texas?

Either you or your spouse must have lived in Texas for at least six months before filing for divorce. There is no minimum time you need to have lived in a specific county.


Is Texas a no-fault or fault-based state for divorce?

Texas has both no-fault and fault-based grounds for divorce. No-fault reasons like insupportability do not require proof that one spouse caused the failure of the marriage.

What steps can I take if I suspect my spouse may try to hide assets before we divide property?

Notify your divorce attorney if you have concerns. They may recommend getting a temporary restraining order to forbid assets being sold or transferred during proceedings.