Entrance doors make your home look appealing and secure. Understanding what causes water to leak through your entry door frames will save you a significant amount of money on repairs or door replacement.
Wondering why there is water in your exterior door frames? A number of factors might have contributed to leaking through your entrance doors.
1. Poor Installation Of Your Exterior Doors
In some cases, water leaking through the front door frames may not be as a result of an outdated door, but as a result of poor installation. Regardless of the cost and quality of material for your front door, if it poorly installed, it will allow water to leak through the frames.
Poor installation of exterior doors may leave gaps between the door and the frame allowing water to leak into the house. Front door installation service providers may forget to install sill pans, which prevent water from leaking through the frames.
To address the problem of improper installation, you may require some parts of the door to be reinstalled. Also, to avoid the same problem again, it is advisable to look for professionals to install or repair your doors.
2. Improper Installation Of Your Roofing Or Siding
Water can leak through your door frames if some part of the roofing or siding is poorly installed, allowing water to flow through them. Roofing and siding protect your home from rain and other external objects.

Therefore, if some parts of your roof or siding are not correctly installed, your doors and other parts of your home might be damaged. Water coming from the top sides of entry doors might indicate poorly installed roofing or siding.
The first step is to conduct a professional to advise on the potential issue and solution to the damage. The solution to the damage can be to reinstall the roof or the siding to cover the entry doors properly and shield them from water and external elements.
Also, the exterior doors might require replacement based on the extent of the damage.
3. Warped Or Rotted Door
With time, your entrance doors in Toronto might rot or warp due to weather changes or because they have served for a long. Wood doors are prone to warping and rotting as they can accumulate mounds and fungus due to cold weather.
Warping and rotting on doors cause gaps, cracks, and holes that allow water to leak through the door. For vinyl doors, they will look bent because of warping.
The main solution to this issue is to replace your door. However, if the damage is not severe, you might consider using caulk to seal the gaps, cracks, or holes in your front doors.
4. Lack Of A Sill Pan
Although the chances of your door not having a sill pan are very low, sometimes door installation providers might forget to seal your door frames leaving gaps that can allow water to leak through. The sill pan helps to prevent water from seeping through the frames and if not properly installed or not completely installed, water will leak through the door.

If water is seeping around the bottom of an exterior door, it means that there is no sill pan. If there is no sill pan installed, then you will need to contact the contractor who did the installation job to install a sill pan.
However, if you no longer trust the contractor because of the improper installation of your doors, you might contact another professional.
5. Worn Out And Aged Exterior Doors
Like any other product, the elder a door becomes the more they are likely to wear out. The life span of a front door is 20-30 years depending on the quality of the material used to make the door.
However, if your door has become old, chances are it will start having cracks, gaps, or holes that allow water to leak through the door frames. The solution to an old and worn door is replacement.
It reaches a point where no matter how many times you repair your exterior doors, they cannot function as expected, and thus, the only option is replacement.

Jessica has a flair for writing engaging blogs and articles. She enjoys reading and learning new things which enables her to write different topics and fields with ease. She also strives to break down complex concepts and make them easy for anybody to comprehend.