It’s no secret that the parent-teacher relationship is an important one. In fact, it can be the deciding factor in whether or not your child succeeds in school.
A strong, positive relationship between parents and teachers will boost your child’s confidence and encourage them to do their best.
But how do you go about building a good parent-teacher relationship? It can be tricky, but with a little effort on both sides, it can definitely be done!

Having a good parent-teacher relationship is very important. It can help your child do better in school, so you need to have open communication with your child’s teacher.
They know what your child is doing and how they are coping with school. You can talk to them about your child’s progress and any difficulties they see.
If you are having problems with your child at home, the teacher may offer some insights on why. In fact, most new behavioural problems are due to events happening at school or within a childs peer group.
A good parent-teacher relationship allows you to easily discuss problems you are having with someone who knows your child very well.
“Teachers help students soar and make their hopes and dreams come true,” said Reg Weaver, president of the National Education Association.
“And when parents are involved in their children’s education, they will go farther – and the schools they attend are better.”
NEA represents 2.8 million teachers, education support professionals and other educators. It offers five easy ways for parents to become more involved in their childs education.
Tips For Building A Good Parent-Teacher Relationship
Try these easy activities to not only be more involved in your child’s education, but build a great parent-teacher relationship.
1. Get to know your child’s teacher
Introduce yourself and take the time to chat with them whenever you can. This will help them get to know not only you personally, but understand your parenting style. It is important for a teacher to understand the background of your child.
Knowing what is acceptable in the home allows the teacher to determine certain behaviours in your child. They can better explain “rules” of the classroom and why they are important. Furthermore, why these may be different to they way things are done in the home!
Getting to know your child’s teacher will also give a better understanding of their teaching methods and philosophies.
2. Meet the guidance counselors and other school employees
Education support professionals generally know a lot of the students in school. In fact, their relationship with your children will continue as they move from one grade to the next.
This means that they are perfectly positioned to note any changes in your child’s behavior. If you have a good relationship with them, they are more likely to feel comfortable talking to you.
3. Attend parent-teacher conferences and school events
Try to get to open houses, parent-teacher conferences, dances and other school activities. They provide terrific opportunities for parents to connect with teachers and school employees.
Parent-teacher conferences allow you to touch base with the teacher and get an update on your child’s progress. These formal meetings are a chance to ask questions or voice any concerns you may have.
Any other school activities are less formal settings and provide unique opportunities. You often find people open up more outside of structured meetings. Without having to directly ask, you may get important information from just having a conversation. This may include your child, or may be about things happening in the school that could affect your child.
4. Get involved in the classroom to build a parent-teacher relationship
If your schedule allows, try to volunteer in the classroom or on field trips. Make time to help out with school plays, act as a classroom helper or chaperone field trips. This helps enhance child’s education.
We understand that this can be difficult for working parents. However, research has shown a direct link between students academic performance and parental time in school.
You get to meet other students and parents, and have a better understanding of what goes on in the classroom on a daily basis.

5. Keep communication open for a good parent-teacher relationship
Check-in with teachers on a regular basis. Make a point of collecting your child from the classroom at least once each week. This gives you an opportunity to say “Hi” and keep the lines of communication open.
Whenever there is an issue or concern, make sure to communicate with the teacher right away. This will help to prevent any misunderstandings or problems from getting worse.
Whether they are your children’s classmates, friends or neighbors, get to know people in your child’s life. Include parents with children attending the same school, especially those of your child’s closest friends. These are people your child will most likely be spending some time with!
By getting to know people, you can create support groups for any problems and find things of mutual interest.
6. Help the teacher create a positive learning environment for your child
Remember, you and the teacher are on the same team and both want what is best for your child. To that end, cooperate with them to create a positive learning environment in the classroom.
The parent-teacher relationship is a two-way street. As a parent, you should be involved in your child’s education. However, you also need to be supportive of the teacher and what they are doing in the classroom. This may mean that some things are done differently to the way they are done at home.
Support your child’s teacher by explaining to your child that places may have different rules. In return, the teacher will be more receptive to any concerns you may have.
By working together and understanding each others differences, you create a positive learning environment.
7. Show appreciation for the teacher’s hard work and dedication
Let them know you appreciate the efforts they make. A simple thank you can go a long way!
The parent-teacher relationship is very important for your child’s success in school.
Showing that you understand their hard work is a great way to maintain a positive relationship.
Benefits Of Having A Good Parent-Teacher Relationship
There are many benefits of having a good parent-teacher relationship:
- You will be more involved in your child’s education
- The teacher will be more receptive to you and your concerns
- You will be kept updated on your child’s progress
- Your child will have a better chance of success in school overall.

A parent-teacher relationship is a two-way street, and parents need to be involved in their child’s education. It is important to be supportive of the teacher and understand what they are doing in the classroom.
Research shows that when parents are involved in their childs education, academic performance improves. This doesn’t mean spending every day at your child’s school! Try attending sporting events, concerts or performances, and picking your child up from their classroom once a week. Even volunteering in the classroom each month makes a difference.
Not only will your child’s teacher get to know you, they will be more receptive to any concerns you have. Keep up-to-date on your child’s progress with a good parent-teacher relationship.
We would love to hear any tips you have for building a good parent-teacher relationship. Please share them in the comments below!
For more useful parenting tips, read our recent article chore charting kids’ accomplishments and tips on how to reward them.
Happy Parenting!!
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.