shit parents say

Shit Parents Say

Time for some more humor with shit parents say when kids go back to school.

It’s back to school time for a lot of parents across the country and the moms in this video pretty much sum up the back to school experience.

This is a huge video collaboration between a bunch of bloggers, but you can find the video here at Baby Gizmo:  Sh*t Parents Say at Back to School Time

Summer holidays can seem to drag on and as they come to an end there is the horror of getting ready for school.  Uniforms and shoes, books and pencils, lunchboxes and probably new socks and underwear.

There is a definite drain on the purse strings and this on the back of endless spending keeping the little loves entertained over the holidays.

Celebrate Kids Going Back To School

There is always a sense of joy with the school year looming.  However there is also a lot of organising for the year ahead.

These ladies are hilarious with the shit parents say about their kids and getting ready for a return to school.

The list is a who’s-who of well-known mom bloggers that participate in the video.

Contributors To Shit Parents Say At Back To School Time

Many video collaborators are great and if you want to read their blogs, watch their videos or follow their musings here are their links:

Ciaran Blumenfeld – blog:

Kim Orlando – blog:

Mandy Otis – blog:

Melissa Angert – blog: All Things Chic

Sami Cone – blog:

Brianne Manz – blog:

Kelly Whalen – blog: The Centsible Life


We hope you got a good belly laugh at these ladies and the shit parents say at back to school time.

After a long summer with kids always around there is joy in looking ahead to them being someone else’s responsibility.  At least for most of the day!