In conversation with Ms. Abhrekha Jain, A Tech Mom
Meet Abhrekha Jain, a mother of two, creating a life of purpose with the help of dreams and technology.
We would like to introduce you to a young, vibrant woman who is a perfect example of being a Mom helped by technology.
“Please connect the dots of your childhood that made you the person you are.”
I grew up across India as my father was serving the Indian Army. My mother took care of us. We are two sisters and I am the youngest.
My father is my inspiration and role model. He has left me physically but has given me lessons for eternity.
Since, my childhood I was instilled with deep-rooted thoughts like “Dream big, but keep your feet firm on the Ground”,” Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going”. Respect and Compassion for all living beings on earth and so on.
Certain personality development sessions in high school like SWASH(Jodhpur), helped Abhrekha Jain groom and helped to plan a vision for the future.
“How has your formal education shaped your life?”
I am a computer engineer (gold medallist) by qualification. My qualification helped me in getting campus placement in a Multi-National Company. This exposure at an MNC helped me explore my full potential and gave me the strength to conquer the world!

“How has your decade-long Journey with Accenture been?”
Fantastic journey. Ten years and still counting.
I joined as a fresher and Accenture has enabled me to grow from an engineering student to a more mature and confident professional.
As I grew personally, from a wife and mother of two now, Accenture always helped Abhrekha Jain in re-inventing myself. It provided me various opportunities for shifting my role from core development to Operations.
It helped me attain perfect life balance and made my life more fulfilling.

“Technology can enable women to find their true voice. Technology, if used for self-growth, can offer avenues to women which were unavailable earlier”. Your comments.
I remember a famous quote here by Diane, “A woman is a full circle, within her is the power to create, nurture and transform”
Yes, Technology plays an extremely pivotal role in the self-growth of women. We can use Wi-Fi networks to work from home and to connect to the internet.
With the Accenture mailbox on my mobile, Abhrekha Jain says she can always stay connected, irrespective of my physical location.
We can use the internet to take up various online courses, certifications from prestigious colleges, and the latest trends to keep ourselves updated with the industry.
Networking and social media can also help them to build contacts.
How has your motherhood contributed to you as an individual and as a leader?
Being a mother has made me extremely satisfied as an individual as I am able to attain a work-life balance. I haven’t felt guilty about sending children to daycare.
When it comes to spending time with kids, I strongly believe in quality time than quantity. Also, they learn time management and multi-tasking from me while they grow.
As a leader, I feel accomplished as I am able to attend all official meetings, calls and I also ensure that I attend parent-teacher meets, sports, and the annual day of my children.
It has taught me to lead by example and work passionately. Abhrekha Jain has also become adept in internal (personal) as well as external (official, school, etc.) stakeholder management.
“Talk about three people who have had the most profound influence on you.”
Well, first it has to be my family (Parents & Husband).
Parents -who gave me various opportunities to explore in life from getting me trained in sports like skating, swimming to auditioning for singing/acting on radio/TV. They let me live my life and my dreams!
Husband Tushar Sahlot stands like a rock-solid with me and takes care of children & household chores, shouldering equal responsibilities. Thus, giving me wings to fly and perform says Abhrekha Jain!
Second, my friend Purnima Jagannathan, who herself is a phenomenal lady. She is my senior in the organization, her time management, intellect, and vision have always helped me evolve.
Third, Kiran Bedi, whom I met in my school days as a chief guest, made me realize the power of women and how each one of us can bring positive change in society with sheer dedication and perseverance.
“Please share your involvement with Women related initiatives at Accenture with our readers.”
I try to lead by example and participate and speak about work-life balance at various forums like Vaahini (Accenture Women’s Network) and AOTW (Accenture Technology for Women).
Abhrekha Jain was a key speaker at Accenture International Women’s Day. It was a beautiful opportunity to share my blessing with other women and inspire them to work hard to create an inclusive environment.

“Your philosophy of life in a sentence.”
To live every moment, to find happiness in every smallest thing.
“Tell us about your future plans.”
Well, professionally, we always have a lot of plans, goals, and targets to achieve. Don’t we?
On the personal front, Abhrekha Jain wants to become an inspiration to all the women out there who read my story.
“What would you like to convey to those moms who have dreams and ideas but they feel bogged down by family and social responsibilities.”
One should not crib about the situation but should learn to tackle it. A woman has to realize her potential and understand where her true happiness lies.
A woman can be happy just being a homemaker or can be equally unhappy being a leader.
A quote from Oprah Winfrey moves me a lot. it says,
If you look at what you have in life,
You’ll always have more.
If you look at what you don’t have in life,
You’ll never have enough.
Here Are Few Glimpses From Her Life:
I love to hear my name, Abhrekha Jain, as the name is a derivative of my parent’s name (Abhay & Rekha). Always “16” at heart, I am full of life, energy, and enthusiasm.
With wonderful parents (Mrs. Rekha Jain), sibling (Mrs.Chandna Singhvi), Husband (Tushar Sahlot)
and two naughty boys (Nabhanyu & Daksh Sahlot) life becomes worth celebrating!
In my free time, I relax by playing with my boys, listening to good music, painting and watching movies. I love to party over the weekends and celebrate the occasion called Life.
Abhrekha Jain success mantra:” Never say No”, take life as it comes as life is all about learning and we stand to lose nothing by trying
If you have been inspired by this article, and if you would love to read more tips for moms, find out our article on the link below.
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.