Losing a loved one is a very traumatic event that can leave the bereaved confused and emotionally bereft. In spite of the emotional upheaval and stress, the bereaved still has to make so many arrangements and decisions within a given time frame. This can be quite challenging for the grieving family and they would need all the help that they can get.

Some families have strong support systems that rally round and help see them through. Others however are not so lucky. Truth is that whether you have a strong support system or not, there is need for professional assistance. This is where funeral directors (also known in more antiquated terms as morticians or undertakers) come in handy. They play very important roles in guiding bereaved folks through the difficult times.

Some people may still be wondering why a family or person that has a strong support system needs a funeral director. In this article, we explore the many roles that these professionals play and their importance to people who have lost dear ones.

What Do Funeral Directors Do?  

As we already mentioned, these professionals play very vital roles in the lives and journey of bereaved persons. Some of the things they do include the following:-

They Provide Compassionate Guidance and Support

one of the major things funeral directors do for bereaved persons is to provide guidance and support in the most compassionate way possible to grieving families. The first meeting that the bereaved holds with a funeral director is usually one of the most critical meetings they would have.


You can visit this site: https://www.mind.org.uk/ for tips on how to help a bereaved person.

That initial meeting is where/when this professional listens to the wishes and preferences of the family for the burial service. The level of empathy displayed by the undertaker sets the tone for the whole preparation and helps create a service that depicts the life and personality of the deceased.

Undertakers are trained to recognize the fragility of their clients’ state of mind and so conduct their consultation with sensitivity, tack and utmost care. They provide that safe space that families need to express their concerns and grief, making them feel heard and supported in their time of need.

They Arrange the Funeral Service

The logistics for burial ceremonies can be quite overwhelming. Undertakers just as their traditional title connotes undertake the responsibility or coordinating and organizing every little detail of the ceremony. They ensure that the process goes seamlessly and without stress for the family.

Some of the logistics they take care of include the following:

  1. Transportation– This entails arranging the transfer of the remains from where they died to the funeral parlour and finally to the final place of rest.
  2. Legal Documentation – This involves taking care of paperwork such as death certificate and permits. Click here to find out government requirements from families or loved ones when someone dies.
  3. Coordination of Venue – This involves reserving the venue and preparing it for the service whether it is at the home of the deceased, church, funeral home or any other location.
  4. Planning of Service – This includes helping their client select music, readings and speakers in addition to coordinating the order of the service. They also help officiating clergy or any other guest that is needed for the service.

They also arrange obituaries and notices and floral arrangements amongst other tasks.

Financial and Legal Assistance

Funeral directors also lend their expertise in assisting with legal and financial issues that affect the funeral. They make recommendations and guidance on budgetary issues and present different options which enable the families to make informed decisions. Reputable funeral homes provide a list of items and their prices so that their clients will not be caught unawares by any expense.

Additionally, these professionals help their clients with legal issues such as navigating social security benefits, insurance claims and benefits for veterans. This support goes a long way to reduce the burden on the grieving family.

Religious and Cultural Sensitivity

It is very important that the religious and cultural practises of the dead and their loved ones be respected. This is one of the things that undertakers do; they have vast knowledge of different rituals and traditions and as such know how to infuse these elements into the burial ceremonies. This skill/ability helps them plan and coordinate the ceremony in a way that respects the heritage of the deceased and satisfies the bereaved spiritually.

Other things that these professionals do is provide grief support and resources to grieving families. They also help families personalize and memorialize their loved one by incorporating elements that make the funeral more meaningful to the family.


There are so many things that funeral directors do that go even above the call of duty. The important thing is to find a true professional who knows their onions and is not only all about the money but also cares for the wellbeing and mental health of their clients.