Top 25 Parenting Blogs For 2020
Our top parenting blog list is back!! We last compiled this list in 2018 and it’s interesting to see the new blogs we have included.
These are the best places to pick up tips, tricks, advice and some humour on your parenting journey.
Who hasn’t heard the adage “it takes a village to raise a child?” The question today is who exactly forms our village?
Friends and family are a given and let us not forget the top parenting blogs we subscribe to. After all, these are our go-to sources for information, tips and anecdotes?
There are so many parenting blogs these days it’s hard to keep count. While all of them are great in their capacities, some are truly amazing. Wondering which ones?
Look no further, as we have here a list of the must-read top 25 parenting blogs of 2020.

Why Do A Top Parenting Blogs List
It appears that all parents have the same fears and doubts. We worry about our parenting abilities and the effects our decisions will have on our children.
A day never passes by without us wondering “am I a good parent? Or am I doing it right?”
And this is where parenting blogs come in.
These blogs contain more than just helpful information or useful parenting hacks. They reassures us that we are doing the best we can and allow us to peek into other parents worlds.
With that in mind let’s take a look at these top parenting blogs.
Famous Parenting 25 Top Parenting Blogs For 2020
How To Be A Dad
Let’s start our list with our one and only dads’ blog. Spoiler Alert: it does not teach one how to be a dad!
This blog is an uncensored, hilarious portrayal of daily parenting and marital life.
Dads, Andy and Charlie, write it as they see it. And what an interesting perspective they seem to have!
Parents with sons can relate to many of their stories. Or better yet, prepare yourself for what is to come.
How to be a Dad is a clear example of dads writing at its finest. It gives you a clear view of the grass from the other side.
Alpha Mom
Alpha Mom is the ultimate pregnancy and parenting resource. Founded by Isabell Kallman, Alpha Mom addresses everything from your pregnancy journey to sending your kids off to college.
And it’s not just the fun and cute stuff as Alpha Mom acknowledges the pain and struggles of motherhood.
This top parenting blog has a list of activities, crafts, and recipes to amp up family routines and fun.
Remember that non-judgemental friend, always there to support you unconditionally? That’s Alpha Mom for you.
Here’s a shout out to all expecting and new mom’s to check out the blog Rookie Moms.
A treasure trove of advice and suggestions, Rookie Moms can prepare and guide you into motherhood.
Be it deciding on diaper pails, reviews about essential toys, or learning about different milestones, this blog can help you with it all.
Modern Mom
Modern Mom is headed by Brooke Burke and Lisa Rosenblatt. It caters to, well us, the modern moms and our full plates.

Filled with practical advice and tips, Modern Mom encourages you to take care of yourselves. It has often been said that a happy mom raises happier children and this blog shows you how.
Learn tips for healthy living, experiment with their recipes and have some fun by entering their contests and winning giveaways.
Story of This Life
If you’re not much of a reader but love videos then this is the place to be.
Story of This Life does have interesting reading content but they are much more video-centric.
Beware though, you could lose a couple of hours in this visual top parenting blog.
If you are serious about going green and care about everything eco-friendly, then Mamavation is a blog you must not miss.

Founded by Leigh Segedie, the mantra of this community of moms is ‘eco-wellness.’
From reviewing your cleaning products to comparing various cookware, Mamavation can help you create a green, chemical-free, home and hearth.
Join their courses to learn more about going green and helping our planet.
Her blog takes a hard look at some serious parenting concerns like raising teens, online safety, and screen use.
Enjoy some quality time with your kids, by trying out her family DIY projects.
Rattles and Heels
A New York City momma, this is a true testament to how parenting life can be done.
This top parenting blog emphasizes the need to invest in our mental health.
Adanna suggests incorporating fitness, wellness routines and mindful parenting as tips to improve our lifestyle.
And if you still love fashion and haven’t retired your heels, then Rattles and Heels is the perfect blog for you.
24/ 7 Moms
Headed by Trisha and her team of moms, 24/7 Moms is geared to inspire, encourage and support you in your journey.
Additionally if you are of faith, you can find Biblical verses that can nourish your growth as a parent.
Tech Savvy Mama
As learning shifts from real classes to online the need to understand technology and its applications have increased. Staying way ahead of this curve is the top parenting blog Tech Savvy Mama.
Created in 2008 by technology specialist Leticia, Tech Savvy Mama aims to help us integrate technology into our child’s learning process.
This blog aims to equip us with the technical skills essential to parenting in our digital era, thereby helping us stay on top of our game.
Family Focus Blog
There is nothing more important than family! Scarlet, a mom from Nashville provides the best suggestions for creating a happy and healthy home for your loved ones.
Starting with creating healthy meals that are easy and fun to make this top parenting blog also looks to organizing and maintaining a clutter-free home.
Family Focus Blog will help you align your values and nurture your family.
Kids Eat in Color
There is nothing more difficult in the parenting world than picky eaters.
At first you’re coaxing them, then comes the bribery before culminating in a full out “eat your food,” war. And before the dust settles, or in this case the clean-up, we’re back on the cycle again.
If you relate to any of the above then this blog can be a lifesaver.
No more worrying about what to feed kids or how to get them to try out new foods! This blog gives solutions to all your feeding worries.
And if you’re among the lucky parents whose children will eat whatever you put in front of them you can still give this blog a look.
Within this site you will find disposable lunch ideas, cooking kid-friendly meals and cool snack hacks.
Love Brown Sugar
Love Brown Sugar empowers parents through “style.” It is her take on lifestyle and self-empowerment.
As founder Christina Brown says, “ When you look good on the outside, you feel better on the inside.”
In this top parenting blog you will be encouraged to be confident in your own skin, style and beauty.
A mompreneur and colored woman she bleieves that being a mom is no reason to cease being your vibrant self.
A Mom’s Take
Janel and her team of 4 give you their take on everything parenting. Their catch-cry is that this is a site by moms, for moms.
Be it craft, easy recipes, fun kids activities, home management or even gift ideas and home decor.
With free printables and other resources for raising healthy kids this blog has some awesome tips.
Love That Max
Written by Ellen Seidman, Love That Max is a blog supporting parents of children with special needs and disabilities.
The challenges faced by these parents are unlike any that other parents face. For some even a simple verbal greeting or an initiated eye contact is cause for a mini-celebration.
The story of her son Max is shared honestly on this top parenting blog. In a show of solidarity for other parents in a similar posititon to have a space that supports and strengthens them.
Moments A Day
Founded in 2013 by Chelsea Lee Smith, Moments A Day aspires to make a better version of yourself by helping you invest in your personal growth.
The site shares inspiring stories and resources to encourage each family member to be their best selves.
Join classes, get printables and find relevant books and articles to continue growing in your personal lives.
Brilliant, brutally honest and absolutely true is my honest review of this top parenting blog!
The brain behind this masterpiece is Jen and she has created a beautiful space for parents to visit and become inspired.
Her easy to read writing style along with her beautiful images make her projects easy to follow – and did we mention her kids are adorable!
Mumma.Pappa.Bubba is a beautiful blog and it’s why we have inluded it in our top parenting blog 2020 list.
Pregnant Chicken
If you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant then this right here is the place to start.
What next? Amy Morrison and her team have collaborated to create a gold mine of information for new and expecting parents.
Garvin & Co
This beautiful blog was founded by Jessica Garvin when she found out she was pregnant with her first child.
Overall it gives an honest and inspiring insight into ones family way of living. It may not be conventional but that’s why it makes this list. Not every family is the same and this blog shows you that different is good!
You can find home school tips, stories around motherhood, home decor tips and essential oil information.
What MJ Loves
Want to feel like you ar reading a letter from a good friend then the blog What MJ Loves is the blog for you.
Not only does MJ share her life but she gives some amazing ideas and shares great tips when it comes to helping your kids learn, having fun with your kids and all over motherhood.
We love the information and authentic writing on this blog which is why it has made it onto our top 25 list. Also did we mention her kids are adorabel?!?
Parenting From The Heart
With a degree in psychology Alana writes about her passion in parenting – that being positive parenting and play-based learning.
With her scientific background the advice given in this blog is trustworthy and helpful. Plus her gentle and positive approach to parenting will leave you inspired and wanting to implement her advice.
Another top parenting blog it gives you plenty of suggestions on how to integrate positive parenting strategies into your parenting journey.
Aha! Parenting
Founded by Laura Markahm a clinical psychologist, Aha! Parenting promotes peaceful parenting and a relationship-based parenting model.
Identifying that Aha! moment to be able to see things from a different perspective.
Her goal is to help you raise emotionally and mentally confident children, secure in themselves and their abilities.
Scary Mommy
Scary Mommy is another great pregnancy and parental guide that you will benefit greatly from visiting.
This blog even provides you with a space to open up and confess (anonymously obviously) your fears and secrets.
Nurture and Thrive
Wouldn’t it be empowering to have science to back up your chosen parenting technique?
Created by developmental child psychologist Ashley Sodelund this blog uses scientific knowledge to support different parenting techniques.
Ashley then provides research-backed strategies to guide children and help them thrive with important life-skills.
Her article on developing mindful parenting techniques is fantastic to teach us to pause before reacting thus enabling us to become better parents.
The Realistic Mama
Alida a mom of two heads our final top parenting blog for 2020, The Realistic Mama.
What sets this blog apart from others in the field is her income reports about making money from home via a blog.
She shows us how to earn an income as a stay-at-home mom raising her kids.
With this Covid-19 world we believe this is of great interest to many of us.
If you need a no-frills site with honest advice, tips and suggestions then pay the Realistic Mama a visit.
Don’t forget to click on her amazing free family organizer printable.
We hope you have enjoyed and found something to follow in our list of 25 Top Parenting Blogs for 2020.
Know that if you’re ever feeling low or at your wits end as a parent, you can troll our list for some helpful ideas.
Take the time to pause and find comfort, encouragement, inspiration, or wisdom from any one of these top parenting blogs.
The best blogs for parents are written by parents to support, inform and empower all others on the same journey.
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.