Amyris is a popular tree that comes from Haiti and other regions around it. While it doesn’t look like much, compared to some other trees from the region, it produces a great fragrance that gives off an earthy scent but with sweet undertones of vanilla and balsamic. For this reason, it’s commonly used in essential oils, perfume, and cologne, and it’s even mixed with many fragrances as well to create unique aromas.

Read on to learn more about Amyris and how you can benefit from its aroma.

What Is Amyris?

Amyris is a tree that’s native to Haiti and some other island nations in the area. The tree can grow to about 5 or 6 meters in height, and the leaves contain small white flowers. It’s also part of the botanical family that includes citrus fruits, but it has a few differences from most of the plants in this family.

What makes amyris unique is its bark, which is different from the type of bark that you’ll find on orange trees or other citrus fruit trees. Right away, you’ll notice that this has an impact on the aroma of the tree, which smells more like sandalwood than anything. For this reason, Amyris earned the nickname Haitian sandalwood.

What Does Amyris Smell Like?

Amyris has a handful of scents and undertones to it. Typically, people suggest that it smells warm and woody, while others state that it has hints of vanilla and even balsamic. Because of the combination of these scents, Amyris is often considered a blend between sweet and earthy. When used in an aroma diffuser or as a fragrance, it can add a unique aroma to your person or your home.

It’s also important to note that Amyris is often combined with other fragrances to bring out other scents and notes; this is usually done when Amyris is being used as a perfume or cologne.

How You Can Smell Amyris

Amyris has a potent fragrance, but if you want to smell it, you’ll need to use it as a fragrance, add it to your bath, or place it in an aroma diffuser. For this reason, we recommend getting a great Amyris essential oil that’s flexible to use in all of these areas (we recommend buying from a trusted seller like Wholesale Botanics).


For example, you can add a few drops to your next bath to set the mood or place it in an aroma diffuser to change the fragrance of your home.

That said, the most popular way to smell Amyris is when it’s combined with other fragrances. We recommend taking some time to combine it with your favorite fragrance or other essential oils to bring out even more aromas in your home.

What Is Amyris Used For?

Amyris is a popular tree that’s used for many things. In fact, it has many benefits that extend beyond simply smelling the tree. Learn about some of its common uses below.

Essential Oils

First and foremost, Amyris is great when it’s used as an essential oil. It has a potent fragrance that mixes well with other scents, and you can use it to transform the way your home smells. The oil is obtained by the distillation of the branches and bark. As an essential oil, you can use it in a diffuser, apply it to your body, or mix it with your favorite creams.


Aside from enjoying the smell of Amyris, it’s also great for aromatherapy. It has properties that can help people feel more calm and relaxed.


This makes it great for helping with stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions.


Amyris is also commonly found in cosmetics. It’s paired with creams and oils because of its fragrance, but it also has some antioxidant properties that reduce inflammation. Amyris can be found in soaps, serums, creams, lotions, and other types of cosmetic products.

Enjoy the Aroma of Amyris Oil Today!

There’s a reason that Amyris oil continues to be one of the best essential oils around; it’s one of the most unique-smelling fragrances you can find and functions as a great base for mixing other scents.

While it’s one of the best-smelling fragrances you can find, we recommend choosing the best products from reputable brands like Wholesale Botanics to avoid any problems. Also, check any warnings on the oil and make sure you’re comfortable with how it smells before you change the way your home smells.