Fasting has been a common practice for thousands of years, and many cultures and even religious groups have made it a part of their routine. It is hard to tell whether the people who lived in historical times were aware of the benefits of fasting or were just practicing it for cultural or religious reasons. However, in recent decades, studies have unraveled numerous benefits that come from fasting, and many individuals have taken advantage of these benefits. Read further if you are considering the best way to maximize the benefits of fasting.
Common Habits That Will Help You Benefit From Fasting
Practice the below suggestions if you want to make the most out of fasting:
Make Sure You Stay Hydrated During Fasting
It is essential to stay hydrated when fasting by drinking lots of healthy beverages like water because it will help your body adjust to staying hungry for long periods and keep you healthy without food. You may be wondering if it’s just water. Can you drink diet coke while fasting? Yes, you can take a beverage like diet coke because it has zero calories. Taking fluids during fasting keeps you active and stops dehydration. Remember, it is easier to get dehydrated when you are fasting. Therefore, always consume lots of fluids when you fast.
Pay Attention to Any Signs Your Body Gives You
Sometimes, fasting for long periods can be extreme and unbearable. In such cases, your body may show you some signs before the issue becomes critical. Do not neglect these signs if you want to make the most of fasting. For example, your blood sugar can become too low when you are fasting, which can be dangerous if left unchecked. You can pay attention to this warning by changing your fasting plan accordingly. Some of the signs of low blood sugar include dizziness, feeling weak, and fainting in some cases.
Eat Healthy Meals In Between Your Fasting Periods
Another habit that can sustain you without food for extended periods is eating highly nutritional diets when you are not fasting. A healthy diet consists of whole foods that contain lean proteins, carbs, and vegetables. Avoid non-GMO foods or fruits and processed foods. When your body gets the right diet from your meals, it will easily adjust when you go for long hours without food. Additionally, avoid foods that have high sugar and salt if you want to stay healthy when fasting. Unhealthy fasts will do you no good if you want to achieve weight loss from fasting, so remember to eat only healthy fats.
Get Enough Sleep
You can get maximum benefits from fasting when you make sleeping well a priority. Sleeping well is a very important part of staying healthy because the body heals itself during sleep or rest and sleep also helps your body manage how your hunger hormones are released thus making it easier to stay without food for long periods.

The recommended amount of sleep needed for an individual to stay healthy and benefit from fasting is 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night.
Do Moderate Exercises Everyday
Apart from keeping fit and trying to lose weight, exercising regularly can help the body manage stress and boost your health. Adding this practice to your daily routine will keep you fit and healthy without food for long periods. It will help to boost the body’s endurance. Do not do heavy workouts when you are fasting because it can make you exhausted. When you are exhausted, you’ll need food to regain your energy, so fasting won’t be ideal after rigorous workouts. Make your exercise routine moderate so that you can benefit from fasting.
Watch Your Stress Level
You can manage your stress levels by practicing activities that reduce stress, including meditation and deep breathing. These activities will help you reduce the negative effects of stress when you fast. Some other activities that you can try to maintain a healthy stress level include getting enough rest, eating healthy, and staying active. Stress has been shown to activate cravings of different forms, which can make fasting a huge challenge. Therefore, it is best to reduce stress as much as possible if you want to benefit from fasting.
Remember that Consistency is Essential
Stay consistent with your fasting plan if you want to fully benefit from it. No matter how challenging it gets, deviating from the plan will hinder any progress you must have made. Make it a habit to start your fast at the same time daily, or the same days weekly. Additionally, make sure your eating window is consistent when you are not fasting.
Be Patient When Fasting
Patience is essential if you truly want to benefit from fasting because you may not get the results you desire immediately. If you are not patient during your fasting journey, you may end up giving up halfway. Remember, the benefits of fasting can take time to materialize. Stay focused and stick to the plan. Do not aim for perfection; rather, stay consistent, and you’ll get your reward at the right time.
Keep Records of Your Progress
Try to monitor how far you have gone in your fasting journey to see if you are doing the right thing or you need to make adjustments.

Measure your progress, and check your weight if you are doing it to lose weight. In some cases, a diary or food-tracking app can help you implement this practice. Most importantly, tracking your progress promotes accountability.
Get Support When Necessary
You don’t have to do it alone. Instead, try to link up with individuals who are fasting for the same reasons as you. You’ll stay motivated and get the necessary support when you link up with like minds. There are online fasting groups and communities available to help people who fast. Your goal should be to stay motivated and keep your mind on the prize.
Making the ten habits above a part of your fasting program will prepare you to face the challenges of fasting and ensure that you get its main benefits. Remember to speak to a health professional before setting any fasting goals.

Jessica has a flair for writing engaging blogs and articles. She enjoys reading and learning new things which enables her to write different topics and fields with ease. She also strives to break down complex concepts and make them easy for anybody to comprehend.