When you are parents of a newborn, you have enough on your hands besides studying all those organic certifications and regulations for organic baby food, so in this post, we’ll try to tell you in simple terms how to understand the certifications in organic baby formulas if you’re not a specialist. Let’s find out what infant formulas are called organic and why, what baby food brands have organic certification, and why you should choose certified organic baby nutrition.
Eu Organic Certificate Ensures That Baby Formula Is at Least 95% Organic
Most people know that organic infant food is better than non-organic. Why? Because there is no or minimum amount of GMOs and hormones in baby milk, the use of artificial fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and antibiotics during the production of milk, cereals, and other ingredients of baby formula is minimal as well. To get the EU Organic Certificate, the ingredients must be 95% organic, with the other 5% following additional strict conditions set by the EU. So, when you’re feeding your precious little one with organic certified baby formula, you are certain that your kid will digest no dangerous or harmful substances, Holle Bio formula
When baby formula has the EU Organic Certificate, it means that the conditions of production – on every level – are strictly regulated by the government and specialized institutions. They make sure the ingredients from your baby’s bottle are healthy and natural. To pass the certification, baby food undergoes many tests.
How Do They Determine That Infant Formula Is Organic?
To label their products as “organic,” baby food manufacturers must follow certain rules during production. To name just a few:

- Soil where cereals are grown has to be free of pesticides;
- Seeds must be non-GMO;
- Cows and goats that produce milk for baby formulas must be fed with natural grass and certified animal feed;
- Livestock mustn’t be treated with antibiotics and hormones unless it’s absolutely necessary;
- No artificial fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides can be used on the fields where baby food ingredients are grown, etc.
There are many rules and regulations for organic baby formula manufacturers, but you don’t need to know them all. What you should pay attention to is whether the infant food you give to your baby is certified – it passed all the required tests and was approved as safe.
Is Organic Certification in the US and EU the Same? Is the EU Organic Certificate Enough?
Basically, organic certification in the European Union is not only good enough, it’s even more strict than in America. In the US, there is the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but it doesn’t regulate organic certification. It’s private companies that do the certification, so you can’t be absolutely sure of their resolutions – sometimes, there’s a conflict of interest.
While in the EU, the European Commission certifies organic foods, such as infant formulas. The standards are strict, and you can’t get the label “organic” for your baby food products unless you pass all the tests and follow all the rules. That’s why the European baby formulas that are labeled as “organic” truly are safe for your little one. You don’t have to look for baby food that has both American and European Organic Certificates. Besides, most European baby formulas haven’t received FDA approval yet due to all the bureaucratic issues, despite being certified in Europe and very popular among American parents of newborns.
What European Baby Formulas Are Exceptional on the Market?
Today, the US baby formula market is so wide and diverse that a newborn’s parents, especially first-time parents, can easily get confused with so many options.

Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision:
- Prefer organic baby formula to non-organic.
- Don’t be afraid to buy European baby food – the EU Organic Certificate ensures it’s safe for your infant. And the European standards are even stricter than American.
- Look at the ingredients: non-GMO, sugar-free, palm oil-free, and no chemical additives.
- Choose large and familiar baby food brands – they are usually certified and maintain their reputation.
- Consult your baby’s pediatrician to know which infant formula is the best for your champ, especially if your baby has any health issues.
If you decide to try European infant nutrition, here are several best options for EU baby formula brands at BabyMilkBar:
- HiPP (a leading brand in organic European formulas from Germany);
- Holle (certified German manufacturer of organic baby food);
- Lebenswert (offers infant formulas made with milk produced at certified organic farms in Germany and Austria);
- Kendamil (a British manufacturer of organic baby formulas, including the only veggie-friendly infant formula);
- Lowenzahn (certified organic baby food from Germany);
- Jovie (Dutch brand of infant food based on natural goat milk).
Bottom Line
It can be hard for young parents to understand all the nuances of certifications in organic baby formulas, but, all in all, you don’t have to. The main thing you should know – when you read “organic certified baby formula” it means that this infant food is safe for your baby, healthy, and natural. Especially when it’s European baby formulas because the certification in the EU is very strict and highly regulated; your little one will get the needed nutrition, and you’ll be certain you’re giving him/her only the best and most healthy infant food.
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.