I’m not a complete wealth of knowledge when it comes to everything labor and delivery. But, it’s a fact of parenting that we all know the basics of what happens – we all came into this world, right?
Well, I thought for Labor Day it would be fun to share some good tips that moms can use for their labor and delivery.
Really, these tips come from Tina at Mother’s Niche. She shares her story and some great tips that all moms can use.
Top 5 Tips For Labor And Delivery
#1. Eat Before You Get To The Hospital
Many women go into labor early in the morning. This means that you haven’t eaten since dinner the night before. If this is your first labor and delivery then you really are stepping into the unknown.
Labor could last anywhere from a few hours up to a few days before delivery. With the excitement of the baby’s imminent arrival, eating is probably not high on an expectant mother’s list of priorities.
However, think about what you are about to put your body through! You are going to need sustenance to deliver this baby! Get some food into you as soon as labor starts – while the contractions are still small.
This way you will have the energy to navigate the labor process right through to delivery. And, it also means your body will be producing the necessary products for suckling and healing.
#2. Get Skin To Skin Straight After Labor and Delivery
Historically, baby would be whisked away as soon as they were born. They were weighed, measured and cleaned thoroughly before being handed back to Mom swaddled from head to toe.
Most doctors now know the importance of maternal bonding and having skin-to-skin contact as soon as possible. There is a growing body of evidence that skin-to-skin contact directly after birth helps babies and mothers in many ways.

- Regulates baby’s breathing and heart rate to help adapt to life outside the womb
- Calms and relaxes both baby and mother
- Enables mother’s friendly bacteria to colonize baby’s skin and protect against infection
- Stimulates baby’s digestion and interest in feeding
- Regulates temperature
- Stimulates the production of maternal hormones which support breastfeeding and bonding.
#3 Take Appropriate Clothing
Trust me when I tell you that you will definitely want to use a hospital gown during labor and delivery. The process is generally a messy one and institutions have great facilities and products for you.
What you need to think about is the few days after delivery where you may need to stay at the hospital for whatever reason. You will have a barrage of visitors all wanting to meet your new little human. The last thing you want to be thinking about is whether your hospital gown is covering your post-delivery butt!
Take your own appropriate, comfortable clothing that allows you to move around easily and that gives easy access for feeding.
#4 Have Some Labor and Delivery Techniques, Even With An Epidural Booked
There are many stories about women who have planned an epidural with their doctor for delivery. It is really smart to have some plans in place for how you want labor and delivery to proceed.
However, some epidurals just don’t work and sometimes labor progresses quickly and there is no time.
My advice is to have some breathing techniques to help with the process. Hypnobabies is a great online resource that has really useful tips and techniques.
There are many stories about women who have planned an epidural with their doctor for delivery. It is really smart to have some plans in place for how you want labor and delivery to proceed.
However, some epidurals just don’t work and sometimes labor progresses quickly and there is no time.
My advice is to have some breathing techniques to help with the process. Hypnobabies is a great online resource that has really useful tips and techniques.

#5 Don’t Be In A Hurry To Leave Hospital
Traditionally, women stayed in hospital post-partum for at least 5 days and longer if required. The idea was to make sure that mothers milk had come in and that baby was feeding well and thriving.
These days, women seem to leave for home within hours of giving birth. I know that it seems much more comfortable in your own home, but having your first baby is like no other experience. And, there is no manual that comes with a newborn.
The wealth of experience that maternal nurses, midwives and doctors have is something you really should be soaking up as much as you can!
Remember, this is costing a pretty penny so you may as well make the most of it while you can.
Congratulations on your parenting journey – wherever you are along the road. I hope our labor and delivery tips have been helpful and give you some ideas about your impending arrival.
We have many more great parenting tips and parenting advice on our site. Check our recent articles for some up-to-date information.