Our top 25 parenting blogs 2017 are for veteran, expecting, or newbie parents and anyone interested in life with kids.
We know that it is always a good bet to have an arsenal of resources to turn to when you need advice, research, or a really good laugh.
While Famous Parenting works hard to provide a wide variety of content to all of our readers, we know that it takes a village to raise a child and are happy to share the love for some other fabulous blogs.
Parenting isn’t about just one moment and time it’s about the whole picture. Whether that’s looking for festive crafts or trying to find out what that rash might really be.
You may be simply enjoying a cup of coffee (or glass of wine) while catching up on some stories from other parents going through similar phases, ordeals, and adventures.
When compiling this list of top parenting blogs 2017, we tried to make sure that there were a wide variety of topics covered.
We also ensured that the blogs mentioned are currently active and being updated on a regular basis. We excluded sites that exist just to promote specific products or books.
While not all of the blogs are going to become fast favorites for everyone, there really is something here for every taste imaginable.
If you regularly read an amazing blog that we missed, or want to share praise for one of the great options we featured, please do so in the comment section below.
We know there’s no way that we could capture everything great, and we’re always looking for more reading material too. The more resources readily available for parents the better!
As for the winners, now’s the time to brag about how amazing and celebrated your blog is, because truly it is!
So take a browse through our top parenting blogs 2017, you may just find your new favorite read!
Our List of Top 25 Parenting Blogs 2017
The Art of Simple
Meet Tsh (pronounced Tish) who decided to chronicle her self-discoveries as she worked to simplify her life when her family moved to Turkey back in 2007. She writes about de-cluttering every space imaginable including parenting, finance, and relationships.
Today she is a self-described vagabond homebody who lives in Texas, and delivers great content along with a few other contributors.
The blog is about people being more important than things, how life is not about consumption and how quality is much more important than quantity.
For anyone who’s looking to enjoy the simple things in life and move towards a less “stuff” focused future, read this blog!
Refreshing topics on things like savoring a season, creating a sense of community, travel diaries, and ideas are staples here.
Twitter: @Tsh
The Autism Café
Eileen is a mom to two little boys and one of her boys (Charlie) has severe classic, non-verbal autism.
This mom has high-functioning autism herself and uses her awesome blog to debunk stereotypes surrounding autism, increase autism awareness, and share parenting stories and tips.
She and her husband are both amateur photographers and their pictures alone get them in our top parenting blogs 2017.
Readers get to enjoy some fantastic pictures along with reading about everything from autism and toddler wearing to making a one sized fits all kids cloth diaper.
Instagram: @the.autism.cafe
Dad and Buried
This Brooklyn dad pulls no punches about what life is really like with kids, and how they’re bent on destroying his social life. His posts are honest, fun, and funny.
Who else hasn’t wanted to write about Ten Reasons Why They Hate Their Son? That being said it’s all in good fun.
He even attempts to give readers his “expert” parenting advice, but he won’t be held accountable if you actually follow it.
Read, laugh and take note that you aren’t the only anxious parent worried about the multiple ways you’re ruining the next generation.
Twitter: @DadandBuried
Dad Blog UK
In 2011, John Adams and his wife decided that he would give up his job in communications and become a stay at home dad.
He started blogging about his life with his daughters in 2012, and is now an award winning blogger and vlogger.
In the blog he writes about some really relatable things like starting a family garden, keeping screen time in check, and the importance of social connections (even when you’re up to your chin in kid everything).
Twitter: @dadbloguk
The Daddy Complex
The author of the bestselling book Calm The F*ck Down: The Only Parenting Technique You’ll Ever Need also has a blog where he shares his life with his twin boys.
This is the parent who has conspiracy theories about kid’s movies, and shares smaller moments of parenting in bite sized portions that are easy and funny to digest.
We needed some humour in our top parenting blogs 2017.
Twitter: @thedaddycomplex
Enjoying The Small Things
What started out as a more traditional parenting blog in 2007, has evolved into so much more than that in the years that have passed.
The blog grew from a small space to something bigger when mom Kelle used the platform to write about the birth of her daughter Nella.
Nella was born with Down syndrome and Kelle has written a book Bloom about her family’s first year with Nella.
This blog talks about the ups and downs of daily life of a big family. The family includes Nella, her older sister, younger brother, and two older half-brothers.
Active for 10 years it naturally has a lot of content to explore in the back catalogue in addition to keeping up to date on the new stuff.
Enjoy Kelle’s amazing posts on parenting, faith, family, holiday traditions, travel, Down syndrome, and more.
Twitter: @KelleHampton
Free-Range Kids
Lenore Skenazy is the type of parent many of us aspire to be. She has a great focus on raising safe, smart, and self-reliant kids, something we should all hope for.
This site works to debunk some of the worst fear-mongering stories around parenting. It also helps advocate for parents who are being villainized for “parenting crimes”.
Include things such as letting their kids play outside, or wait in the car for a moment.
Whether or not you always agree with Lenore is one thing, but this is an outstanding look at the other side of the story. It is also a great space for commenters to respectfully debate the ins and outs of modern parenting.
We shouldn’t’ forget that Lenore is also really funny, which is an added bonus to keep you coming back for more.
Twitter: @FreeRangeKids
Geek Dad & Geek Mom
These are two independent, inter-connected sites with a variety of contributors that are there to embrace geek or nerd parents. It will also help them raise their own nerd herd of geek children.
Want to learn how to build a teepee in your yard? Figure out the best board games to try for a family game night? Make a miniature garden?
In these 2 great parenting blogs 2017 you meet the people who can help you explore your inner geek alongside your own family.
Enjoy, and please remember to nerd responsibly!
Twitter: @GeekDads & @GeekMomBlog
Globetrotting Mama
Heather Greenwood Davis and her husband Ish Davis thought there had to be more to life. Caught in the endless loop of school, packed lunches, karate practice and work it seemed like a Groundhog’s Dayesque cycle.
This National Geographic Traveler magazine journalist chronicles her family’s decision to “See the World. Build a Life. Bring Your Family.”
A perfect blog for the person who is always planning their next vacation. Also great for those who want to give their family an education in life and global experiences.
Learn about sustainable travel and the best cruise ships for family. You can even fuel your own wander lust and vision boards through their family travels.
Twitter: @greenwooddavis
The Grumpy Mommy
Cindy has one of the newest blogs on our list and we are pleased to have her in the 25 best parenting blogs 2017.
She began blogging in early 2016 to explore herself and the self she felt like she lost when she was working.
Cindy says that she went from a normal mom and became a grumpy mom.
This blog provides well-researched information to help other working moms balance health and career focus.
Our favorite posts so far include relatable tooth fairy struggles, tips for working at home, and fighting back against childhood obesity.
Twitter: @YourGrumpyMommy
Lesbian Mommies
Jillian and Tara are a married couple who have learned a lot in their journey to and in mommyhood. When looking for resources for lesbian mommies, they saw a gap that they needed to fill.
Their vision is to empower current and future lesbian moms with all the information they need in one fantastic place.
This is a great resource on getting pregnant, trying to conceive, co-nursing and more.
Twitter: @jillainbabbel
Lunchbox Dad
This is the blog you need to follow if you’re someone who loves Pinterest! Beau wants to make lunchtime fun for his kids and turns his picture perfect meals into an adventure.
Whether you’re looking for some inspiration for a special occasion or ways to bribe your picky eaters into consuming their lunch.
I know that if I ever attempted his Star Wars themed lunches it would be a slippery slope that I’m not capable of recreating on a regular basis.
Fun foodspiraton whether you take the lunchbox leap or don’t adds Beau to the top parenting blogs 2017.
Twitter: @lunchboxdad
Meraki Lane
This team of four puts together some relevant and timely content related to parenting, fashion, health, and fitness.
Parenting bloggers will particularly enjoy the focused articles on growing your audience, time management, and tips and tricks to increase your following.
Other parent related content includes everything from potty training to sleep training to inspirational parenting reads.
Founder and Managing Editor Dani and team work hard to create a space for their own personal “village”. The idea is to make life easier for modern women everywhere.
Twitter: @MerakiLane
Mom Advice
Amy Allen Clark felt a gap in what she was looking for online as a parent. So she created a space where it was readily available with a focus on organization, budget, family, crafts, and cooking.
Her crafts are inspirational, and her printable resources are a lifesaver!
As someone who loves the concept of capsule wardrobes I love these life hack posts. Amy deserves her place in top parenting blogs 2017.
Multiple contributors offer a bigger breadth of material to help wet your parental palates.
Twitter: @momadvice
Mommy Shorts
You might remember the internet sensation of Baby Mugging? Where people posted pictures of their babies to look like they were, well, inside a mug.
All of this was inspired by Mommy Shorts mom herself, Ilana Wiles.
This NYC mom of two daughters isn’t afraid to share her war stories about parenting. Her photos are top notch and worthy of any parent’s social media covet.
Compilations and contests for things like “the messiest kid” entertain us while we traverse the messiness that is modern parenting.
Twitter: @mommyshorts
Offbeat Home and Life
The Offbeat Empire isn’t as ominous as it may sound. Darth Vader isn’t running things. It’s a space for celebrating non-traditional life and authentically expressing your personality.
There are some really diverse topics that cover budgeting, career, relationship and family issues and body positivity. Look at lesser talked about topics here to really dive deep.
Recent favorites include Maintaining Personal Space While Pregnant, Board Games for People Who Hate Board Games, Childfree Living, Responding to Teens Who Think Their Bodies Are Gross, Finalizing Divorce with a Photo Shoot.
While not all articles will appeal to everyone there is a vast catalogue to check out from contributors from all over the world.
Twitter: @offbeatempire
Out with the Kids
Jeff has a lot of writing credentials that go beyond parenting blogs. He’s written for Cosmo, Scary Mommy, Esquire, PBS and The Huffington Post to name a few of his other outlets.
He is father to two teen and tween daughters who influence his work as a traveler, storyteller and photographer.
Expect some great photographs since Jeff won the 2016 Iris Award for Best Photography.
His travel ones provide great inspiration for those who like to explore the globe and got him into our best parenting blogs 2017.
Parents of older kids will appreciate Jeff’s perspective on parenting older kids, which is a rarer find as far as blogging goes.
Twitter: @OWTK
People I Want To Punch In The Throat
You know that mom who swears like a sailor at PTA meetings, that you secretly want to be BFF’s with? Jenn Mann is that mom.
If you’re ever looking for a good rant on the the absurdity of all things this is the blog. Think other parents, pet owners and companies doing stupid.
Jenn targets anyone she wants to verbally (or literally) punch in the throat.
She’s written some books too, so if you like her blog check them out as well!
Twitter: @justpeealone
Rage Against The Minivan
Kristen is a Marriage and Family Therapist who doesn’t always talk about what you’d expect her to.
As a mom of four children (all within four years) Kristen has used her blog as her own coping mechanism since 2006. In it she continues talking about a variety of topics that her mother warned her about discussing publicly.
Kristen is really passionate about adoption, her kids, and things she wished she said. This blog is full of heart and publishes guest posts as well, so you’re not just hearing Kristen’s story.
The “What I Want You To Know” series discusses depression, sex after divorce, abusive marriages, and other important topics. These are all things that we need to talk about more. Way to go Kristen!
This site has made our previous lists and deserves its place in our top 25 parenting blogs 2017.
Twitter: @kristenhowerton
Ripped Jeans and Bifocals
Jill Robbins is funny. She writes about parenting, aging and adoption and is honest to a hilarious fault. As you might have guessed by the title of her blog, she’s a mom with younger kids who is approaching 50.
She is mom to three kids (as she puts it one from the vagina and two from China). Her articles are a terrific resource for all parents, particularly those who have adopted or are looking to adopt.
Favorites our ours include real life responses to nosy adoption questions, co-sleeping and adoption, and why adoption makes us parent differently.
Twitter: @JillRobbinsRJAB
Rookie Moms
A fantastic blog run by Whitney and Heather who recognize that motherhood particularly when you’re at home with a baby all day, can get boring.
This is why they created their blog. To help new moms get out, get active, and get social during the early days of parenthood.
With posts organized by the child’s age (from newborn to preschool) there is a lot of content and back catalog to explore.
Favorite features of ours include the weekly challenges that encourage new parents to increase confidence. This is done by venturing out into the real world and breaking up some of the monotony in the early days post children.
Twitter: @rookiemoms
Scary Mommy
Scary Mommy is raw, unfiltered and honest parenting information. It comes from a variety of contributors and bound to make you say “me too” or see another perspective on a hot button parenting topic.
This blog was started in 2008 by Jill Smokler to be an online baby book recording her stay-at-home mommy days. It has since become one of the most shared and relatable blogs on your Facebook Feed.
Beyond being a fantastic community, it’s also a great space for other bloggers to share their work and increase their chances of going viral.
Twitter: @ScaryMommy
Spit Up Is The New Black
In 2012, this now mother of two, traded in her Prada for life as a mommy. While her flare for fashion is still evident the blog is so much more than that.
From her honest essays covering topics about whether or not to have a third child, to themed birthday parties there is a lot of great stuff here.
Please note that there are affiliate posts with sponsors (often Ashley gets a pass to something for free to facilitate her posts).
The site is quite transparent that you’re getting an honest review/ sampling of the product. Products are reviewed for the purpose of the blog and not just a company advertising.
Mom Ashley also partners up with other contributors from time to time who post some fun variety.
Twitter: @spitupinstyle
Support For Stepdads
Step parents don’t get enough attention in the blogosphere, which is why this resource is such a gem.
These are real posts and resources about step-fathering, step-parenting, blended families, and just parenting.
From tips for successful parenting to party planning for kids, this site is a great resource for everyone.
Explore bonding activities and navigate the trenches of the teen years with a variety of authors who have real life experience in parenting.
Twitter: @supportforstepdads
Working Mom Magic
This mom’s journey is very relatable because so many parents live the reality of working, parenting, and trying to keep it together.
Get inspiration from Lauren on balancing career and family. There is also some excellent tips on getting a healthier family using sneaky ways to get your children to eat more vegetables.
She also covers how to cope when your child hates daycare, or examining common ways women sabotage themselves at work.
Twitter: @WorkingMomMagic
Did we miss something great in our 25 top parenting blogs 2017?
Please add your top picks in the comment section below.
Since writing this we have updated our list. Read Top 25 Parenting Blogs of 2018.

An Occupational therapist, freelance content writer and more importantly a stay-at-home mom, Sara, like all other parents juggles her many roles. Her passion for writing combined with her professional expertise as an Occupational therapist (working with children with special needs) has helped her craft content specific to child health, wellness and learning skills. At present, Sara alternates her time between raising her two young children, and writing about what she knows best- children!