Looking for some fun, new exercise activities for summer?
Okay, guys, the excuse that it is too cold outside to go exercise is now void. The weather is warming up, and with that comes a great opportunity to get fit. Many people like hitting the gym every day, but that doesn’t appeal to everyone.
Exercise is critical to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. It reduces the risk of many diseases and health conditions, and it just makes you feel better. Now that you can comfortably go outside to exercise, let’s take a look at some of the best ways to do it.
5 Exercise Activities For Summer
Walking/Running Exercise
The classic way to exercise. Just about all of us have gone for a walk or run to try and lose weight. It is very effective as it helps burn calories and fat. It also increases respiratory and cardiovascular health, while strengthening your leg, core, and back muscles.
Make sure you don’t push too hard; many people try to run too fast or for too long.
It is important to know your limitations and to carefully pace yourself while working within those limitations.
Injuries are common while running.
If you are wondering why your heels hurt, for example, you should seek medical attention to identify the cause and receive treatment.
Running is great as a solo activity because you can focus on your body and not other distractions.
Many people do like running partners as it helps with motivation and safety.

Biking Exercise
Hopping on the bike and going for a ride is a fun way to exercise. You can ride more casually, or you can go more hardcore with it and try to set a personal speed record. Biking can really help burn fat quickly. It is an intense workout. You also will benefit from increased muscle and improved function in your heart and lungs.
Bike riding is also nice due to the fact that even taking it easy is doing your body a lot of good. You are still expending an effort to make the bike move, even if it is moving slowly.
Biking is also a great solo exercise if you are looking to push hard. I know many families who like going on bike rides together, however, and it makes a great family activity as kids of most ages can participate.
Playing Sports
Many people played sports in high school, but not much since. Most of us aren’t good enough to play at a higher level than that high school, but the love of the game is still there. Pick-up games are a great way to go out and get exercise while playing a game you love.
Many cities have public basketball and tennis courts in city parks. These are free for use and allow for a large group of people. The hoop in your driveway will work too, but probably for smaller games.
Many cities also have public baseball fields that can be used for baseball, softball, or kickball. You might be able to go to a local school that has one too, though it might be trickier to get permission, depending on who you are dealing with.
An open field allows for games of soccer, football, and frisbee. You just need a little open space and something to mark boundaries. There are lots of opportunities to play sports, and it is a great way for a group of friends to exercise and have fun together.

Swimming Exercise
Swimming is a great way to build aerobic fitness. Swimming requires most major muscles depending on the stroke you use and vastly increases health and endurance. Swimming is a great activity for warm weather because unlike other exercise activities, you stay cool while doing this one.
Many people like to go beyond just swimming and do things like running or jumping in the pool. It provides greater resistance to your exercise, therefore increasing the result when done.
Have you ever seen people in the park doing yoga? They look incredibly serene. Yoga is great for increasing flexibility and strength. It also helps you relax and relieve stress. Outdoor yoga is nice, simply because you can get out of the house into the beautiful weather.
If you need a guide to do yoga, there are podcasts and other audio materials that you can take with you on the go so you can have someone providing the routine for you. You should probably be basically familiar with yoga positions beforehand so that you can do what is being described without seeing it.

Bottom Line
The wonderful weather allows for increased outdoor activity, leading to more exercise and a healthier you. Find some exercise activities for summer you like doing outdoors and then go for it. After all, Spring does only hap
Hope you find these tips helpful. Check out more on our recent post – Family Fitness Tips: 5 Ways to Get Your Family Moving and Active
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.