When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, most people focus on their overall well-being and physique. However, food choices also significantly influence dental health. Let’s delve into this aspect further.
List of Foods Harmful to Teeth
A professional dentist Queens NYC, not only provides high-quality dental treatments, cleans teeth from plaque, and recommends appropriate oral care products but also pays attention to the patient’s diet. If a person frequently visits the dentist due to issues like caries, it’s often linked to the consistent and excessive consumption of detrimental foods. Below are foods that dentists advise excluding from your diet or at least limiting.
Apart from containing high levels of sugar, cookies also rapidly break down in the mouth. This process promotes the proliferation of harmful bacteria, whose byproducts contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, plaque, and tartar formation.
Sunflower Seeds
After frying, the beneficial oil present in sunflower seeds forms harmful substances that negatively impact overall health, including dental health. Additionally, many individuals use their front teeth to crack open sunflower seeds, gradually wearing down the enamel over time. If a seed is particularly hard, it can even lead to tooth breakage.
Sweet Carbonated Beverages
Studies have shown that individuals who consume excessive amounts of sugary soda are more prone to experiencing bone fractures. Caffeine and phosphoric acid, common components of these drinks, deplete calcium from bones and teeth, rendering them more susceptible to fragility. Furthermore, carbonated water and sugary fruit juices can soften tooth enamel, paving the way for the development of cavities and eventual tooth decay if left untreated.
Processed Carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates such as crackers, white bread, sweet pastries, pasta, and chips serve as a food source for bacteria in the mouth.

When bacteria metabolize these carbohydrates, they produce plaque, leading to a decrease in saliva pH and the release of acids that erode enamel, ultimately resulting in the formation of cavities.
Citrus Fruits
Lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, and tangerines are rich sources of vitamin C, beneficial for overall health. However, consuming excessive amounts of citrus fruits can negatively impact dental health. The high acid content in these fruits can erode tooth enamel, significantly increasing the risk of tooth decay.
Dried Fruits
While natural alternatives to cakes and candies, dried fruits often adhere to teeth when chewed. Prolonged adherence provides a breeding ground for bacteria and promotes tartar formation. After consuming dried apricots or prunes, it’s advisable to promptly brush teeth thoroughly to mitigate this risk.
White Wine
Contrary to popular belief, white wine is more damaging to teeth compared to red wine. Research indicates that a glass of white wine can reduce enamel thickness by up to 60 microns, leading to tooth yellowing, increased susceptibility to cavities, and the formation of microcracks on the teeth.
Products that are Good for the Teeth
In contrast to products that harm teeth, certain foods positively influence gum health and tooth enamel. Incorporating these foods into your daily diet, alongside practicing proper oral hygiene, can reduce the frequency of dental visits. Here are some foods to include for dental health:
- Cheese, particularly cheddar: High in calcium, vitamin D, and other beneficial substances, cheese also raises saliva pH levels, aiding enamel health and protecting against cavities.
- Yogurt: Rich in calcium, protein, and probiotics, yogurt supports healthy teeth and gums while reducing the risk of periodontal disease.
- Green leafy vegetables: Spinach and kale provide essential vitamins, minerals, and folic acid crucial for both teeth and gum health.
- Fruits and vegetables high in fiber: Beets, carrots, pumpkins, apples, green peas, artichokes, avocados, pears, plums, and others support dental health due to their fiber content.
- Nuts: Walnuts, cashews, almonds, and hazelnuts are rich in calcium, aiding in tooth strengthening.
- Meat and fish: Rich sources of phosphorus, crucial for bone and teeth mineralization, and essential for proper teeth development in children.
By adopting a healthier daily diet, you not only promote weight loss and overall well-being but also safeguard your dental health. It’s not necessary to entirely eliminate sweets; rather, reducing their consumption significantly while practicing proper oral care – brushing teeth twice a day, using floss, and mouthwash – can maintain optimal oral health.

An Occupational therapist, freelance content writer and more importantly a stay-at-home mom, Sara, like all other parents juggles her many roles. Her passion for writing combined with her professional expertise as an Occupational therapist (working with children with special needs) has helped her craft content specific to child health, wellness and learning skills. At present, Sara alternates her time between raising her two young children, and writing about what she knows best- children!