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Is Preschool Necessary For Children?

Is Preschool Necessary For Children?

Is preschool necessary?  That is a question that many parents ask themselves as their children reach the age of 3 or 4.  The answer, unfortunately, is not always black and white. There are a number of factors to consider when making this decision.  Whether or not to...

Screen Time For Kids, How Much Is Too Much?

Screen Time For Kids, How Much Is Too Much?

Technology continues to become more and more prevalent in our society.  The debate over how much screen time is appropriate for children has intensified. Parents know that devices are key to certain educational opportunities and a better future.   However, we all...

Explain An Autism Diagnosis To Children

Explain An Autism Diagnosis To Children

An autism diagnosis can be a difficult subject for the whole family.  When a child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), parents may find it difficult to explain this condition. Parents may fear the reaction of their child to the diagnosis of "being on the...

11 Words Of Affirmation To Help Your Husband Feel Loved

11 Words Of Affirmation To Help Your Husband Feel Loved

Do you ever feel that your husband needs some more words of affirmation in his life?  If so, this blog post is for you! We discuss 11 positive affirmations for men can help your husband feel loved and appreciated.  Just a few words of encouragement can make all the...

Puppy Love: How to Talk to Your Tweens about Relationships

Puppy Love: How to Talk to Your Tweens about Relationships

Puppy love is a hugely exciting time for kids.  This is not the first time they come home and say they have a boyfriend/girlfirend!  Chances are you won't know the first time your child "falls in love!"  In fact, it is common not to know these things until it is all...

Bond With Your Child Using These 5 Simple And Practical Steps

Bond With Your Child Using These 5 Simple And Practical Steps

A common question asked by many parents is regarding how to bond with your child! While you are a dedicated parent and have the same love of each of your children, you may naturally have a better connection with one child than the other.  In this case, you may be...

15 Date Night Ideas For Busy Parents

15 Date Night Ideas For Busy Parents

Date nights don't always have to consist of an expensive dinner and a movie. There are many date night ideas for busy parents who want to find time for themselves. Parents sometimes forget the importance of spending time with each other. When children come along, they...

Top 10 Activities For Language Development

Top 10 Activities For Language Development

Communication is an essential aspect of cognitive development in a child's upbringing. Language development encourages learning. If a child can understand sentences and speak well, his learning and reading skills will also improve significantly. Your toddler may...

Best Baby Tech Products for 2021

Best Baby Tech Products for 2021

When you become a parent, everything is new for you, and to ease yourself; you require some baby tech products around. With the latest technologies and innovations, it is essential to follow up the comfort ways. You can see a lot of these baby products which help you...

Mindfulness Exercise To Practice With Your Toddler

Mindfulness Exercise To Practice With Your Toddler

When it comes to parenting, practicing a mindfulness exercise is a great way to create a better line of communication and a deeper bond with your children.  In fact, evidence has shown that practicing mindfulness with children can help improve focus, presence of mind,...

How To Talk To Teenagers: Parents Need To Know

How To Talk To Teenagers: Parents Need To Know

Do you know how to talk to teenagers? In fact, teenage is arguably the best time of life. Young kids who are barging into their adulthood and getting ready to take on life's challenges have all different sorts of desires, dreams, and personal tendencies.  But there...

5 Tips for Positive Communication With Children

5 Tips for Positive Communication With Children

We often talk about the importance of developing positive communication skills in children. But do you practice positive communication with your child? Think about it! Do they have to repeatedly call you to get your attention? Do your eyes turn to your phone while...