How to deal with colic? Let’s tackle this.

There’s hardly a more scary word to a parent. Whether you’re an expecting parent, a brand new parent, or a seasoned veteran in this parenting game, just the thought of colic can be terrifying. The baby is getting no sleep, you’re getting no sleep, everyone is tired and irritable and you have a crying baby that you can’t console, no matter how hard you try. It can really test the limits of even the greatest parent. But before you lose your wits, there are a few ways to help you deal with dreadful colic.

Tips On How To Deal With Colic

1. Do Not Self Diagnose

While your mother-in-law and your mother and your neighbor may all be telling you that it’s just colic, it will pass, it’s best to go ahead and take your little one in for a good check-up. Generally speaking, babies don’t cry inconsolably for no reason. Sometimes, ear infections, kidney infections, gas, or intestinal trouble can be the root of your baby’s tears. It’s better to take them in and let a doctor settle on a colic diagnosis. This way, you won’t run the risk of missing a serious problem.

2. Understand What You’re Dealing With Or How To Deal With Colic

Colic can be a very tricky thing. While some medical professionals believe that it’s a result of an overly-gassy tummy, no one is really 100% sure. The only thing we really know is it causes relentless, exhausting crying in an otherwise healthy baby. Colic is fairly common, occurring in roughly 20% of newborns. It’s marked by bouts of crying that last at least three hours and occur at roughly the same time day after day. Knowing and understanding that this isn’t necessarily a sickness in your baby, but rather a somewhat unknown condition will help you move forward in dealing with it.

Read als0: 8 Best Home Remedies For Colic Baby

3. Try To Determine A Coping Mechanism For Your Baby Experiencing Colic

Different things work for different babies. Sometimes, no matter what you try, there’s just nothing you can do. But, it’s certainly worth giving a few different things a try. Given that many people believe that colic is a result of gas, some attention to the tummy could prove very helpful. Try holding the baby snuggly with their belly against you, gently massaging their back and tummy, walking around with them to help move the gas, or swaddling them to help keep a constant, but light pressure on their belly. If you think you’ve ruled out gas at the issue, then try some distraction techniques, such as: playing white noise, offering a visual or auditory toy, or even offering a pacifier or clean finger to suck on.

4. Remember That It’s Okay To Walk Away

While I certainly don’t recommend the “Cry It Out” Method, especially not in the situation of a colicky baby, sometimes you’ll have no choice but to walk away for a moment. You are not Superman and no one is expecting you to be. An inconsolable baby is a difficult thing to deal with, especially when they’ve been inconsolable for days or even weeks. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, place your baby in their crib, ensure that their surroundings are safe, grab the baby monitor and take a breather. You are not abandoning them. You are taking the time that you need to be the best parent that you can be. Sometimes, that requires a 5-minute breather from time to time.

5. Take The Help When It’s Offered

If a trusted family member or friend calls or stops by and offers to watch the baby for a few hours, let them. Even if you don’t feel too overwhelmed just yet, you’ll be grateful for the time to shower or take a quick nap. You’re only human. You cannot go full force all day every day. If someone offers a sincere helpful hand, don’t feel guilty. Use it as an opportunity to catch just a little R&R for yourself, so that you’re able to give your baby the best attention and care that you can.

6. Keep Your Baby Upright During Feedings And Don’t Prop Bottles

Whether you exclusively breastfeed, formula feed, pump, or a combination of all, try to ensure that your baby is getting as little air as possible during feedings. Even if colic isn’t caused by gas, gas will only make the situation worse. So during feedings, make sure that they are inclined as much as possible with a few pillows under your arm and never prop a bottle with anything. While it seems convenient, not only does it lead to excessive air and gas, but it can also lead to ear infections, which will definitely worsen the colic situation. There’s certainly no need in adding a reason for the crying.

7. Don’t Be Ashamed To Seek Outside Help If You Need It

Babies are hard, colicky babies are even harder. You will be exhausted. You will feel guilty. You won’t understand. You will get angry. It’s normal. It would be abnormal to not experience these things when you’re faced with something that cries at you constantly. It’s okay. Researchers have even linked colic to PTSD and post-partum depression. However, it’s obviously not okay to act on these feelings. If you find yourself feeling like you’re about to break, put your baby in a safe place and call someone immediately. You can call a close family member that can come quickly. If you don’t have that option, you can call the National Parent Hotline at 1-855-427-2736. They have trained advocates to help you through the situation and offer emotional support. In the case that something happens or you have no other options, call 911.

8. Remember That Colic Is Not Your Fault

While no one truly knows what colic is or why it happens, no one thinks that it’s a result of a failing parent. You didn’t do anything wrong. You did not make them this way. Colic is common and it can happen to anyone. It’s easy to become frustrated and wonder if this is all happening because of something you did. Just remember, it’s not.

Final Thoughts

Colic Will Pass… I Promise

I’ve never heard of a kid heading off to college with colic. So while it may seem like this will never stop, like you’ll be listening to this wailing for 18 more years, it will stop. In 50% of colic cases, it is over by 3 months. In 90% of cases, it’s over by 9 months. So, while it feels like forever, there is an end in sight. Stay strong, push through and remember that “this, too, shall pass”.

Hopefully, this information gave you now an idea of how to deal with colic.

For more helpful parenting tips, read also Seven Tricks To Getting Your Fussy Baby Down To Sleep.