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Ways To Support Birthing Partner Before, During, And After

Ways To Support Birthing Partner Before, During, And After

We can all agree that a good relationship should be based on mutual love, trust, and support. However, no matter how supportive you are of each other on a regular basis, there are certain times when you have to provide your partner with extra support. For example,...

6 Special Mother’s Day Gifts For Every Mother

6 Special Mother’s Day Gifts For Every Mother

Mother’s day is very special for me. As children, my siblings and I used to save our pocket money, so that we could get our mother something special each year. We wanted to get her the best Mothers Day gifts and we would eagerly wait to see the joy on her face as she...

10 Bad Parenting in 2021: Tips To Avoid Them

10 Bad Parenting in 2021: Tips To Avoid Them

Parenting is one of the hardest things you will do in your life and it is important to understand that it takes many efforts to raise a kid in the right way. While we usually talk about all the positive parenting tips we wanted to share some bad parenting that you...

Jacob Baranski: Raising Children in a Digital World

Jacob Baranski: Raising Children in a Digital World

Raising children in a digital World. Like many parents, I take a lot of joy in teaching my kids the little things. Getting dressed by themselves. Tying their own shoes.  Learning how to ask for help, but only when they need it. Everything from chewing with your mouth...

Do Family Secrets Cause Depression in Children?

Do Family Secrets Cause Depression in Children?

Yes, medical research has shown that children can become depressed. Some forms or types of depression in children are mild and may sometimes go undetected. Symptoms of depression in children usually manifest as disruptive or angry behavior, extreme sensitivity, mood...

12 Fun Family Easter Activities for 2021

12 Fun Family Easter Activities for 2021

Don't let COVID ruin your Easter fun! Enjoy this holiday season safely, with these 12 fun family Easter activities. Every time I enter a store, I’m reminded that Easter is just around the corner. Shelves stocked with bunny ears, plastic eggs, and colorful baskets tell...

10 Essential Life Lessons To Teach Your Child

10 Essential Life Lessons To Teach Your Child

Being a parent is a complicated thing.  You not only have to take responsibility for your child, but also make sure that they are learning essential life lessons as they grow. As a parent, you want the best things for them, and want them to become someone they will be...

Teen Suicide Is A Problem Worldwide But Especially In India

Teen Suicide Is A Problem Worldwide But Especially In India

This is a guest post from Dr. Swati Lodha, author of the book ‘Don’t Raise Your Children, Raise Yourself’    Teen Suicide Is a Real Problem in India Teen suicide is higher globally but India tops the world in teen suicides. Every 90 minutes, a teen tries to...

Teenage Depression – 8 Ways Parents Can Help

Teenage Depression – 8 Ways Parents Can Help

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world.  In fact, teenage depression is on the rise, especially with the global pandemic that is Covid-19.  It is vital that we look at ways to prevent teenage depression. Although many factors may be...