Tips For Going Back To School As A Mom
The decision to go back to school as a mom is an ambitious one.
After all, you are the person your children turn to without fail — and when you’re not around, who will fill your shoes?
Although temporarily abandoning your main role and go back to school as a mother may seem daunting, it’s doable.
You merely have to plan ahead and have the right support system in place.
Check out these tips for going back to school as a mom to find out how you can make it work.
1. Figure Out What Your Schedule Will Allow
The prospect of going back to school as a mom can be exciting and you need to determine how much time you can devote before diving in.
If you already feel overloaded, look at your schedule to see which tasks are non-negotiable.
Identify which ones might be able to be eliminated or transferred to someone else — such as another family member or a close friend.
Once you know how much time you can allot to go back to school, don’t overload yourself with classes.
A good rule of thumb is to allow three hours of study time each week for each credit hour you’re enrolled in.
For example, if you enroll in a three-credit-hour course, you can expect to spend up to nine hours a week studying.
2. Plan Ahead To Go Back To School As A Mom
As a mom going back to school, this is a skill you likely mastered long ago.
You’ll have to plan for the time you need for school and the time you need with your family.
If you choose an online way of going back to school as a mom, your schedule will likely be more flexible. Compare this to commuting to campus several days a week at certain times.
You want to be able to devote as much time to your family when going back to school as a mom.
Look for little pockets of time in your schedule that will allow you to spend a few minutes of quality time with your children.
Simple things, such as reading a short story or asking them to tell you about their favorite thing that happened that day as you tuck them in, can make a big difference.

3. Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself
So you’re not an 18-to-20-something college student when you go back to school as a mom.
That doesn’t mean that everyone you take a class with will be young and single without the responsibilities of motherhood.
Some of them will likely be moms going back to school too.
They aren’t waiting until life after kids to make their educational goals come to fruition.
Try to find someone — whether it’s a friend in class, a friend outside of class, your spouse or partner or your parent.
You need one person to support what you’re endeavoring to do.
Going back to school as a mom means having people to lend a hand or an ear when you need it.
4. Focus on Your Strengths
You are not a carefree 20-something college student going back to school as a mom.
You have to pack school lunches, do the laundry and spend sleepless nights with a sick baby.
When going back to school as a mom you do have a secret weapon.
You have life experience and the advantage of seeing the “bigger picture.”
Both of these will undoubtedly make you a better student.
Remember, mothers are masters of multi-tasking, so juggling college and life likely won’t be as difficult as you might think.

5. Look Toward the Future
As a mom going back to school you may feel overwhelmed and start to question you decision.
You’re not the first parent who has felt this way.
Take a few minutes to sit down and consider why you decided to go back to school in the first place.
Is your goal to advance in your current career or to change careers?
Maybe you started a degree years ago, and now you want to complete it.
Whatever the reasons, remember the “why”.
The “why” you are going back to school as a mom will help you keep moving toward your goal.
6. Don’t Feel Guilty To Go Back To School As A Mom
When you make the decision to go back to school as a mom, you have to split your time between school and family.
This means that inevitably you will have to make sacrifices.
It may mean you miss a school play or a soccer game here and there.
Focus on your “why” to keep you on track.
As long as your “why” will benefit you and your family there is no need to feel guilty.
Remember getting a certificate or degree won’t take forever but your family will last forever.
When life throws you a curve ball and you are going back to school as a mom, don’t despair.
While you are splitting your time between school and family, ensure to make the time you do spend together well worth it.
If you would like some more information try this earlier article on our site.
Here is an inspirational message from Ms. Indira Chhajerh sharing her success story. Read on!
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.