Play + Explore

Best Road Trip Gadgets to Pass the Time In 2020

Best Road Trip Gadgets to Pass the Time In 2020

Best Road Trip Gadgets For 2020 With the car packed and ready to go make sure you have some road trip gadgets to pass the time. You’ve bought a reliable car from Buy Here Pay Here car lot, you’ve hastily loaded it and you’re on the open road.  The kids are in the back...

How To Make Family Road Trip Fun

How To Make Family Road Trip Fun

We’ve all been there: the kids are fighting in the backseat, someone spilled chips all over the car floor, and Dad took a wrong turn. Road trips can be a lot of fun, but it takes some planning to make sure they stay fun. Are you getting ready for a family road trip...

5 Useful Tips Balancing Kids’ Sports And Academics

5 Useful Tips Balancing Kids’ Sports And Academics

Are your kids involved in too many sports? Are they struggling to keep up with their school work? It can be tough trying to balance kids’ sports and academics, but it is not impossible.  Everyone agrees that having a healthy and well-rounded life is necessary for our...

Summer Learning That Isn’t a Drag

Summer Learning That Isn’t a Drag

Report cards just came out and summer has officially begun.  Last year I had lofty ideas about all of the summer learning we'd do; about the things, I’d engage in with my kids to help them develop their literacy and numeracy skills all summer long.  But time at the...

Summer Activities for Kids

Summer Activities for Kids

It's summer once again and thanks to this hot and dry season, you and your family and friends get to spend time outside! It's the hottest season of the year and it’s the most exciting/entertaining season; especially for the kids who enjoy time off school. As a parent,...

10 Tips For Parents Camping With Kids

10 Tips For Parents Camping With Kids

Camping with kids is a great way to get the family outside, enjoy nature and create lasting memories. However, camping can be challenging for parents of young children who are still inexperienced campers. For any parent considering taking their child camping for the...

Imaginary Friends: Should Parents Worry About?

Imaginary Friends: Should Parents Worry About?

Let's talk about kids' imaginary friends. My five-year-old daughter came home from school the other day. He was excited to tell me about her new friend, a little boy named Liam. She giggled as she described all of the things they had in common; they are both fraternal...

Top 25 Parenting Blogs 2017 (so far…)

Top 25 Parenting Blogs 2017 (so far…)

Our top 25 parenting blogs 2017 are for veteran, expecting, or newbie parents and anyone interested in life with kids. We know that it is always a good bet to have an arsenal of resources to turn to when you need advice, research, or a really good laugh. While Famous...

5 of the best holiday places to take young children

5 of the best holiday places to take young children

If you're looking for a holiday place to take your young children, you may want to consider one of the following destinations. Each of these locations offers something special for kids, whether it's a plethora of activities to keep them busy or beautiful scenery that...

Teach A Child How To Fish…Real Life Skills For Kids

Teach A Child How To Fish…Real Life Skills For Kids

This article is about integrating real-life skills for kids into their lives. As parents, it feels we're genetically programmed to want to help our kids.  Nature makes sure of it by filling our helpless babies full of feel-good oxytocin and implementing other...

Bubble Recipe : Best Home DIY Solution Mixture

Bubble Recipe : Best Home DIY Solution Mixture

Do your kids go through bubble solutions like crazy?  Mine does so to save money and time we decided to make our own.  Here's the best bubble recipe! It's what has worked well for our homemade solution: Bubble Recipe Mixtures 6 cups water1/2 cup blue Dawn dish...

Roughhousing Benefits To Your Kids

Roughhousing Benefits To Your Kids

My husband and I have distinctly different parenting styles. I am more focused on homework, life skills, and chores. My husband is “the fun one” who does the funny voices when reading stories, builds all of the Lego, most of the forts, and he roughhouses. I’m not a...