Moving is stressful and overwhelming for everybody, but especially children. That’s why it’s important to prepare your kids for moving house.
Children typically have a fear of the unknown which increases the stress of the whole process. In fact, Plano movers state that kids don’t understand the need to move, leave their friends and start in a new place.
This article gives the best ways to prepare your kids for moving house to help ease their pain, confusion and anxieties. These tips will apply whether you have a young child or a teenager.
1. Tell Them You Are Moving House Early
Let your kids know as early as possible about the move or potential move. Of course, you don’t want to jump the gun and cause stress before it’s necessary. However, keeping them “in the loop” will help the whole moving process and transition.
Let them know if you get news that a job relocation may happen in the near future. Include them in the discussion of how this may happen and when. Prepare your kids for moving house and get them involved in the process from the start.
Children love to feel included at any age. It’s important to make them feel part of the process, especially when moving. Try to ease the transition as much as possible by answering questions and talking through their fears or concerns.
If possible, let them “help” in the home buying process by letting them look at the new potential homes. They can discover what their new room might be and help with where things may fit in the new house. Get them online to find fun destinations around the area like parks or family-friendly outings.
As a best practice, young children should be given a month to process a move. Prepare older kids for moving house as early as possible.
Bonus tip: Be prepared for a meltdown. Have a treat prepared or get them thinking about decorating their new room to help alleviate the stress.

2. Goodbyes Can Prepare Your Kids For Moving House
The thought of saying goodbye to friends and familiar things can be overwhelming. Childrens’ feelings can be hard to navigate. Try to help them express their feelings instead of holding them in.
Allow them to vent and be upset, then reassure them that these feelings won’t last forever. Experts say it takes a child around six months to acclimatise to a new environment.
Keep in mind when you prepare your kids for moving house that your child might not feel at home for a little while.

To make a seemingly negative situation feel more exciting, you can throw a “see you later” party. Note, this is not a goodbye party. Saying “goodbye” has a scary finality with negative connotations.
This celebration will give your child a chance to say goodbye to friends without feeling like they’re losing them forever. They’ll see them one last time before the move and give all the hugs they want to.
A final gathering of friends is the perfect opportunity to chat with other parents and set up a “keep in touch” plan moving forward.
Helping children keep in touch can include phone calls, video calls and letters. Moreover, weekend trips for sleepovers are great if you aren’t moving too far away.
3. Help Your Child Visualize Their New Life
Whenever you decide to share the news that you’re moving with children, make them feel involved with the process. This could be at the very beginning or after everything is official but is important to prepare your kids for moving house.
Don’t force it but, if they are interested, let them give feedback and ideas.
Once you’ve chosen your new home, take your child to show them the new house. Walk or drive to their new school and introduce fun things close by. Doing this will help get them excited about this new adventure.
Find kid-friendly places to go that will be of interest to your child. These can be parks, museums, waterparks or other fun destinations. If they are old enough, let them look around on a map or search online for things to do in the area.
Another way to help them visualize their new life is by letting them make decisions about their new room design.
If you plan to use the same furniture, try letting them pick out something new. This may be a lamp or a new toy to add to their room to make it feel more like theirs.
Hype up the whole process so they look forward to the move!

4. Prepare Your Kids For Moving House With Easy Moving Day Tips
Moving day can be overwhelming for everyone with so much happening. To keep your kids calm, ask a family member or close friend over to see you off on your new adventure.
Seeing and spending time with someone they know can help your child feel more at ease. A trusted friend will let you deal with the movers and logistics while they keep children occupied during the chaos.
To prepare your kids for moving house, have a travel bag packed with necessities and favorite items. For younger children, this might include a blanket and a favorite toy. With older kids, a game or snacks might keep them busy during your moving day and upcoming travels.
5. After Moving With Children
When you’re settled in your new place, try to establish a routine as soon as possible. Get them involved in setting up their room the way they want.
Sit down and work through the school routine and plan some family activities. Doing this will show your children that you are here to support them in this new adventure.
If you have properly prepared your kids for moving house, they’ll be comfortable in their new home and school in no time.

Moving With Kids Made Easy
Moving with kids can be stressful, but preparing them will help. Get them involved early and show them ways to keep up with their friends.
Properly preparing your kids for moving house will ensure your child feels okay about the whole moving process and transition.
No matter what, stay positive. Kids can pick up on your energy and stress so, if you stay calm, it will help them do the same.
For more tips, check out our page – Where to move from a big city with small children?
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.