Winter Staycations For Christmas Celebrations With Covid-19
Before the coronavirus pandemic changed our lives forever, the arrival of autumn was when we started planning our Christmas holidays. But with borders closed and travel limited it is best to look at winter staycations for Christmas celebrations this year.
I remember the times when it did not matter if our loved ones had to cross borders. Before 2020, our health was not at stake and we could all be together. This meant we could enjoy a beautiful Christmas dinner and fun New Year’s celebrations.
Since I can remember, my family has enjoyed special Christmas celebrations together. We waited a whole year to see those uncles, aunts, and cousins living far away. It was this time of year that they came to spend their vacation with us. Those good old days when having a party was possible and uncomplicated.
As time passed, Christmas would continue to be a reason for happiness and sharing with the family. In my adulthood, Christmas before 2020 was the holiday where I finally could see my sisters who come home from overseas. Sadly this year will not be like that and I am looking at winter staycations for Christmas at home.
This year, experts are recommending that for safety we should avoid traditional family gatherings. Of course, this is because the risk of transmission with Coronavirus is very high.
Consider having small family gatherings to make these holidays as safe as possible for everyone. It would be safer still if they are people already in your “bubble”. Avoid traveling to family festivities this season. We should wear a mask when around people we don’t live with and wear it indoors at all times. Epidemiology experts agree that by taking these precautions, we could prevent overburdening hospitals during flu season too.
Winter Staycations For Christmas At Home
Precautions to take care of our health should be the motto of these holidays. By deciding not to travel, we are taking care of our physical health, but what should we do to protect our mental health?
During 2020 we have lived constantly with pandemic stressors and it is time to relieve some of this. A winter staycation this Christmas is an excellent plan to relax and be safe. It will benefit our mental health just as much as a traditional vacation.
A staycation means we stay at home, enjoying real-time off but clearing our schedule of usual responsibilities. When the staycation begins stop checking emails and mute notifications for social media and news updates. I recommend that before you start planning your winter staycation, decide what your main goal will be. Maybe you want to pamper yourself and relax. Or you might want to have days with exciting things to do.
A good option could also be to plan a stay in the nearby mountains or on the beach. You can have your staycation in a cozy cabin overlooking the mountains or in a beautiful oceanfront rental. It is important to consider towns close to home so that you can reach your destination by car. Traveling by car is the safest means of transport for winter staycations at Christmas.
Whatever you choose, look for outdoor activities to keep you occupied. Being outdoors will help you clear your mind, and you will have your daily dose of physical activity. Hiking in the morning, an afternoon picnic and tree lighting ceremony at night could be an active and fun day.

Plan a Virtual Christmas Party

Currently, WiFi is the table where we meet to share and connect. Cell phones are the seats that each guest occupies to enjoy dinner parties. Now we call them “virtual celebrations” where we entertain together but remain separate and somewhat isolated.
Our winter staycation idea for Christmas is to have a virtual Christmas party. Plan a special menu including food, drinks and dessert. Each participant can create their own dishes in house. Make and share a Spotify playlist to create a fun Christmas atmosphere.
With all these details ready, it will only be a matter of joining a meeting all together on Christmas eve.
Another good idea, I believe, would be to arrange a Zoom party to open presents and share lovely Christmas times.
In Summary
Although these holidays will be different from anything we have experienced it doesn’t mean this Christmas has to be sad or boring. We have an excellent opportunity to try winter staycations this Christmas and celebrate with loved ones.
Be creative, but more importantly, be careful and stay away from the crowds at all times. Make sure you take safety measures and practice social distancing.
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.