The having a baby process is definitely one of the most exciting times for an expecting family, but it can also be one of the most overwhelming and confusing times as well. There are so many things to think about and do that it’s no wonder having a baby sometimes seems like more work than having a full-time job.
And having a child is just not something you can learn everything about before having them. You could spend years reading books and doing your research before having your first child, but there would still be many things you didn’t know because every single baby develops differently from their parents or any other children in the world.
In spite of this, though, there are still some things new parents should consider when preparing for having a baby. This article will give you some of the most important factors for having a healthy baby and having happy parents as well.
8 Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before Having a Baby
1. Am I Financially Stable?
Did you know that you can expect to spend around $12,000 on your baby’s first year of life? And, by their second year, you could be making your way up to $12,500 or more. Diapers, food, and formula alone can cost you about $50 per week. Now, if you plan ahead and set a budget, this might not be an issue.
However, it is something to consider when deciding if you are ready. The baby simply cannot wait for food and diapers – so, either you need to be financially prepared or you can expect to have to cut back on some of the luxuries in life that you enjoy.
This point isn’t meant to sound selfish, rather makes you aware that the baby is fully dependent on you so their needs must come first.
2. How Much Time Do I Have to Dedicate to Having a Baby?
First, if you are planning on working after having your baby, make sure that your employer knows about your pregnancy immediately. Your employer should be able to work out your hours so that they suit when the baby is sleeping, but also means you maintain good relationships with them in case it doesn’t go perfectly.
If you are not planning on having another income until after having the baby, then prepare to spend all day tending to their needs at least for the first few weeks. If there are others in the house who cannot help out, then having a baby period could be even more difficult.
Read also this helpful article; Mom Guilt: Working Mom vs. Stay at Home Mom
3. Am I ready to Give Up Time With My Spouse?
Late-night feedings can cut into your cuddle time. A crying baby can mean canceling date night instead of leaving them with a sitter. Now, of course, you and your spouse can always hang out with the baby together. But, there will still be some personal time that is lost due to having a child. You have now added another member to the family who also needs attention – and a lot of it.
4. Am I Ready to Give Up My Selfish Habits?
Do you love to just have a few glasses of wine for Wine Wednesday? Or maybe Thirsty Thursday is still your thing – after work with your girlfriends, of course.
However, you cannot do either of these things while pregnant and once the child is born, these activities will definitely become rarer. This is not to say you cannot still have fun once you are a parent, but more responsibility is added and you always have to think about where the child is, what they are doing, and what they need at that moment. Your needs and wants come second now.
5. Are There Any Complications that Having a Baby Without Hospital Help?
If you are having some issues with having a baby, it would be best to hire some professional help. But, also think about how having a home birth would affect your life. If you need daily medications to control high blood pressure or diabetes, for example, your having a baby process might not be possible without access to hospitals and medical care.
Also, pregnancy back pain is common to those having a baby, and here are tips and advice for dealing with back pain.
This is especially common in first pregnancies, even if everything else is going perfectly. Also bear in mind that if something goes wrong during having a baby at home you have no way of contacting nurses or doctors who can come out to your house immediately. This is why having a baby at home is often only advised for couples who already have older children and know what having a baby actually means and will need.
6. What Type of Equipment Do I Really Need When Having a Baby?
First of all, if having a baby completely on your own seems like too much of a challenge, then try to borrow some baby equipment from friends or family members. If you plan on hiring some professional help with having a baby, such as midwives or doulas, then you should definitely hire them as soon as possible after confirming that the having a baby process is possible for your situation.
There are various types of baby equipment available these days: things like special pillows and baby beds, baby chairs, and baby toys. There are so many baby products available today that having a baby can be fun and interesting, rather than just completely exhausting and nerve-wracking for new parents.
Buying baby equipment can cost you. To help you fit your budget here’s our tip – Thrift Shopping Tips For Baby Things. Read on!

7. How do I Keep a Baby Healthy?
The best thing you can do to keep having a healthy process is to take good care of yourself. Make sure you eat lots of healthy food, such as fruit smoothies and vegetables, but also make sure you drink lots of water because both these things will help reduce stress as well as get enough rest every night because not sleeping will make everything harder during having a baby.
Additionally, don’t overdo it with caffeine or alcohol. Things, while having a baby, snacks, drinks, and meals can interfere with you having a healthy process. If you are exhausted, then it will be more difficult to have a baby. This is why it’s important to know what food to eat when having a baby. Moreover, be mindful of the harmful foods and beverages to avoid during pregnancy and lactation.
8. Can I Handle the Surprises that Come With Children?
From a blowout on the way to daycare to pulling your hair while they nurse. Children come with surprises. Sometimes bad, and sometimes good. Can you handle the unknown?
Having a child is a wonderful and miraculous thing. It is a way to grow closer to your spouse and continue on the legacy of the both of you.
It’s great that there are various ways to have a baby for new parents. It’s also great that having a baby can be done without much effort required from others in the house, so it doesn’t have to become one more thing for other family members to do. Having a baby is stressful enough as it is, so keeping things as simple as possible will help you through the entire process.
These are just some of the concerns that almost every parent faces during having a baby. In order to have the best experience possible, remember everything mentioned above and take these tips into consideration when preparing yourself for having a baby.
Don’t let these questions scare you away from parenthood, rather use them as a guide to decide when it is the best time to start growing your family. You and your children will be much happier if it all happens when the time is right. Read also Mom Bod: Learning To Love Yours.
Check out more articles on this page.
Did we miss any other valuable questions you asked yourself before having your first child? Let us know in the comments!
My name is Andrea Thompson and I’m a home based freelance writer. I’m 23 years old, married to my best friend, and mother to a wonderfully independent and opinionated 3 year old girl and step-mother to a sweet seven year old boy. I live in a tiny, little town in Kentucky, where I spend my free time fishing with my kids.
Writing has always been my passion, which I followed through high school, and for a while in college. Life happened, and once I discovered we were pregnant, I switched directions; opting for the healthcare industry because of the stability.
Finally, years later, I was in a place where I could leave the day job that never truly made me happy, and pursue my dreams. I’ve built, and am still building, my writing career from scratch. But, I’m passionate and I’m good at what I do. And, in the end, I can prove to my daughter that she can do anything she wants with this life.